Allow Mirror assets to be tradable on Terra Station

Notice the swap page now supports mAssets - but they are only tradable against UST.

Really, Terraswap should support a “router” functionality similar to one in uniswap where any asset listed on Terraswap should be swappable for any other asset listed on Terraswap regardless of whether there is a direct pair between the two.


There exists Luna <> UST, UST <> mTSLA and UST <>mAAPL pairs.

Luna <> mTSLA and mAPPL <> mTSLA are not swappable on Terraswap.


There exists Luna <> UST, UST <> mTSLA and UST <>mAAPL pairs.

Luna <> mTSLA and mAPPL <> mTSLA ARE swappable on Terraswap.

For all swap requests, the router contract searches for the cheapest swap path between the origin asset and the destination asset to execute the trade.

This change would require an update to the Terraswap codebase.

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