Help Luna airdrop?

you said it was in Metamask, not on the Terra Chain.

Sorry, just to make it clear i had to send it to terra station before the snapshot happened to be able to get the airdrop?

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i have since 3-4 month about 1 luna and 1 bluna in astroport.
For aust is only 340 euro of airdrop or thereā€™ill another refunds ? LFG?

On snapshot date , I had 256667.16600000000[LUNA], which i obtained post attack.
In that case should i have received airdrop or not ?

( also in talks with, where i have bought my lunas )
2022-05-27 00:07:05 Exchange account Snapshot 103757853 -256667.16600000000[LUNA]

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Thatā€™s correct

Hello, could someone help me with my airdrop? I held 124 pLuna + 24Cluna pre-attack (in LP-pool), but I only received ~3 new luna. Is this correct?
Address: terra1hv6qq7yy2sv5qqzzcspsxhfg355ga6jxqlee06
Thanks for help.

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Hi, please help me. I own 50,4 million Lunas post attack and also 728 UST. I have these all stored on the Binance Smart Chain Network on Metamask. I still havenā€™t received any airdrop until now.

Can someone please help me to get my airdrop that I have the right to get. Thank you so much for the help!!

Only the Terra chain has the airdrop. You may be able to get some form of airdrop from a community pool spend proposal in the future (future as in weeks, not days).


Hi, thanks for your respond. Does this mean that I missed this airdrop or does it mean that I will receive them later? And do I leave them on metamask or do I need to transfer them to somewhere else?

Thank you so much for your help!

Are coinlist ust victim eligible to get luna2 airdrop? Coinlist team response is too slow, and did not answer my question. Can somebody help?

Donā€™t think coinlist has UST on the terra chain? If itā€™s wrapped UST, they wonā€™t have received any airdrop.

Hi @rosanne89 , I just want to ask if this means that I missed this airdrop or does it mean that I will receive them later? And do I leave my lunas and USTs on metamask or do I need to transfer them to somewhere else? Thank you so much for your help!

If you held them on bsc at the time of the snapshot, you will get an airdrop later, though I donā€™t believe it can be the same ratio as the airdrops on terra as it has to come from the community pool holdings. I have asked for more clarification on how it will work exactly and will share that here once I know more.

Any chance you could help me with my problem in the thread?

Iā€™ll have to do some investigation, no idea how the LPs worked, and didnā€™t even know prism had LPs like that!

Ok so these are the ratios for the cLuna and pLunaā€¦

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * cLUNA exchange rate * cLUNA balance

+ Pre-Attack LUNC Ratio * pLUNA exchange rate * pLUNA balance

Where do I even start with that :sweat_smile: @alagiz @AtoZ how to get the exchange rate of cLuna/pLuna at the time of snapshot?

I havent received my luna on terra station i moved it from mm before may 27ā€¦
Could u help me?


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Hey, unfortunately you were too late to move your tokens. The snapshot was block 779000 and you transferred after this.


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I donā€™t know, the indexer team must know better

I appreciate any help I can get here. Iā€™m personally totally lost with this. Maybe indexer team just completely missed the lp pair or something.
Anyways, thanks again for help.

Hi @rosanne89 thanks for getting back to me so fast! It would suck a lot if I donā€™t get the amount that I had the right to get, had I known that I had to move my assetsā€¦I would have done so, it wasnā€™t clear to me and I didnā€™t dare to touch it, as it was such a large amount and I was afraid to do something wrong. Above all, I am very new to the crypto worldā€¦

But when you get the information, please let me know! Thanks again for the help!