Help Luna airdrop?

I bought wluna on the 15th of may had it in a metamask wallet until may 26th 23.39pm UK time when I unwrapped and sent to terra station it has been there since it is there now but in classic mode I have received no air drop in mainet part what’s has happened what do I do ?


Same thing happened to me. I bridged my WLUNA to TerraStation on the 25th. My LUNC show up on the Terra2.0, phoenix-1 network and on classic, but no LUNA on mainnet.


My coins now on terra - but the icon next to coin count is neither LUNC nor the new coin icon (yellow circle with flames). I don’t see airdrop of anything or that coins changed to anything. Anyone knows whats going on?
Would the old luna be counted in the snapshot on metamask?


Hello , I have the same issue . I have more then 20 000 LUNC that I transferred to my seller station the 21th of may. Even though, I didn’t receive any airdrop m.

This is my address : terra1r8ayve7tt7n6l9cwj2avhllzgvk3p9rt9hje3u

Thank you for the help.

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I did not receive an airdrop, either. Could support please check?

My wallet addr: terra1dffkgfqzd79yvawacevffmww7l4ndhtau90kp4
Terra Finder shows at block, 7774196.

Thank you.

I did not receive an airdrop, either. Could support please check?


Thank you

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Not enough LUNC to get an airdrop

Hello Rosanne89, where were minimums posted? I didn’t know there was a minimum threshold for airdrops.


Needs to be a minimum of a whole Luna airdropped

Where was that officially stated? It looks like a lot of other people weren’t aware of the minimum.
I spent Gas fees for nothing, then. Perhaps I should have just kept my WLUNA.

I think a sticky post on the forum might prevent many of the same question being asked with the same response.


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It doesn’t make sense.
This page in table 2 shows the entitlement per LUNC. A post attack LUNC would receive 0.000015307927 LUNA.

The page also shows the distribution as, Post-Attack LUNC Ratio * LUNA balance
On that basis, I should have received 0.57975685416 LUNA.

There is no mention of minimums in that post.
Now if this minimum threshold is a post Terra2.0 rule, then that is very underhanded.

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hi rosanne89 thankyo for your reply

I hold 50,000 luna 1.0 token and didnt get an airdrop to my terra station?

How can i fix this

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I didn’t get an airdrop either. Transferred USD from Coinlist to Terra station wallet because Coinlist doesn’t support Airdrop and didn’t receive anything.

My wallet address: terra13vwmr0r0m5yunm627235av488kl54ncs8e99tl

Thank you.

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you deposited to this terra wallet after the snapshot happened unfortunately, snapshot was at the block 7790000.

I didn’t get an airdrop either. I transfer my luna from metamask by terra bridge and send them to terra wallet but nothing happend please check and tell me the resualt.
my wallet add:terra1yemkm80rghrwyksce4j7gzuafra6vezs5lkwzv


You missed the airdrop snapshot

Hello , my wallet address is :

did not get airdrop as well, I can see 2 snapshots made and
All my coins translated to LUNC … and no airdrop is made.

2022-05-27 00:07:05 Exchange account Snapshot 103757854 256667.16600000000LUNC 256667.16600000000LUNC Available: 256667.16600000000LUNC

24 2022-05-27 00:07:05 Exchange account Snapshot 103757853 -256667.16600000000LUNA 0.00000000000LUNA Available: 0.00000000000LUNA




Is an empty wallet. Did you post the wrong one?

Hello there, I can understand it is probably a very busy time for you right now however I am wondering something.

I had my terra (portal) on Trustwallet on this bep-20 address:

and then on the 27th bridged and transferred it to the terra station app past the screenshot time to this address:

Does this mean I wont be getting the airdrop? there is no mention of plans for those who had terra (portal) bep-20 version and all the documentation was very confusing.

Please can you help me get the airdrop.


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i missed the airdrop ?

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