How would you stop governance attacks?

Did you read the proposal ?

We make a public offer to buy pretty much all the tokens at once(6.498 trillions). This is almost like paying a ransom to the LUNC whales and I assume here that most of the tokens are concentrated within very few wallets eg. 1 to 10 (1 wallet received and sent 4.5 trillions tokens…)
To buy cheap we offer a part in cash eg. 130M$ and a part in “stock options” eg. 200M LUNC tokens when LUNC hits 30$
It’s almost as if we say here is 130M$, let us go back to business and we’ll give you an extra 6B$ when we’re profitable again (and LUNC = 30$).
If it never happens then at least they cash in 130M$ but if they refuse they’re left with trillions of tokens worth 0$ so somehow interests are aligned.
Furthermore if we can show a solid business plan by attracting some key partners, we’re showing that it is very likely we will be profitable again.