Joint L1 Task Force Q2

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Well, I don’t want them to explain anything, I don’t care about their personal life or what they do for kicks, I don’t care to have beers, meet them in person or like each other!
I expect them to get paid and deliver the tasks mentioned in the proposal so this chain is in a better position in three months’ time than it is now.

Everything else is just noise…

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After you left, I heard Ivan explaining himself about the entire thing. He sounded earnest and real. He felt sad and dejected about what had happened. This incident is related to L1 Task Force because Ivan says that you were busy managing the L1TF when you could not give time to the validator and it’s operations anymore. If this is true then we should have seen the reports you are writing now, written back then. We should have seen more reports coming from you as well. Zaradar does not seem like a person that is manageable, so you could not have been spending the entire day managing him.

Whether or not Superman has a warrant on him, he is clearly missing for the last 6 weeks. Have you revealed that information to us? How are you managing without him for 6 weeks? Who is doing his work? What happened to his salary which is supposed to be paid to him for 6 weeks? Are you paying someone a salary who is missing for 1 and a half months? Have you revealed these details to us? Moreover when Demon asked you “Are you telling me that you are absolutely sure that there is no warrant on Superman?” you did not reply to it. So he may, or may not have a warrant on him, but if he really does, then we are basically paying someone we should not be paying and your duty, when you found out about him, was to go and check whether the information that Demon is giving us is true or not. Whatever it is, I am not sure about how to process this information since our duty is to protect investors, not expose them to more risks.

That is going too far to accuse someone of embezzlement of funds. Demon made those accusations and I heard it last day as well. I understand that he made these accusations so that people begin asking more and more qns, and of course, it makes him more popular in the community.
The accusations that we have made here till now are of monetary value which is much higher than this. In fact, our objections here are not with you distributing funds among yourselves since the responsibility was given to TGF and we have an issue with how TGF has distributed the funds to you guys without checking whether a certain work was done or not.

You were all for transparency and truth before you joined the team. I shall not go into your work as an investigator with Demon on certain members of TR, but you have essentially spied on other members of the community. You have pursued Zaradar as well during that time as well as Venus. How do I trust you right now that you are not spying on me? Also, if you are so good at spying then why do you not have information on Superman?

Can you explain to us why the proposal was put up for voting when it was still in discussion? Who asked you to do that? Zaradar? You haven’t even been paid for last month’s work because the work isn’t complete yet. How did you even decide to put it up for voting? You spent $120-130 of our money again to do this? Don’t tell me you put in your own money cause currently you are a paid employee of the Terra Luna Classic community. So it is our money that you have wasted again.

If you wanna make up for what has happened till now, then ask all the developers to come here and reply to us like Vinh did and ask them to explain themselves, including Zaradar. He should not have said what he said last day in his tweet. Is he some sorta pimp that we are “re-negotiating” rates with him? How does he even say something as condescending as that? He DOES NOT deserve a raise and make him understand that if he hasn’t blocked you yet. He will get what he deserves - currently a lotta fu(d). He should have thought before interacting on Twitter with every Tom, Di(c)k and Harry he sees talking about him. I do not know whether he is like this, or plain st(upid that he invited this upon himself when everything would have been absolutely fine if he had just remained shut.


The primary reason the vote went up is that we would like to bring the chain to parity as soon as possible.

Wasn’t that already paid for in Q1? And suppose to be running by now? Do you have any plans to deliver what was paid for before end of April?

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This is the Agora post with the funded task list from Q1 (it’s all the in-between steps required to get to the next level which is parity, and sorting out some mess we created when voted to play around with the seigniorage parameter):

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OMG you gotta be kidding me. I really have nothing to say after this. This is not salvageable. Like reallllyyy Z? Really? You had to do this?


I have an IT apps development background (30+ years in the Federal government) however l never touched blockchain technology so a number of the blockchain technologies mentioned in this proposal are a mystery to me, and I suspect they are for many others as well.
Rather than trying to ask the authors to explain the things in simple laymans terms, I though I’d ask ChatGPT to explain some of the terms and I found the responses quite informative so I thought I’d share them here.

Prepare Terra.js v2.0.0 pre-release & ensure peer review

Question: What is Terra.js?

Terra.js is a JavaScript library built upon the popular Javascript framework Node.js, and provides a set of tools and functions designed to make it easy for developers familiar with Javascript and web development to interact with the LUNC and LUNA 2.0 blockchain networks.
It can be used in a range of contexts, from building simple web applications to developing complex blockchain-based systems.
The library provides a range of functionality, including the ability to:

  • Interact with the LUNC and LUNA 2.0 blockchains, including sending and receiving transactions and querying the network for information
  • Create and manage LUNC and LUNA 2.0 wallets, which are used to store and manage LUNC and LUNA 2.0 tokens
  • Build decentralized applications (dApps) that interact with the LUNC and LUNA 2.0 networks
  • Manage and interact with smart contracts on the LUNC and UNA 2.0 blockchains

Bump Terra.js v2.0.0 to “release” state and push changes upstream to TFL so they can prepare new NPM packages

Question: What is NPM?


NPM stands for “Node Package Manager”. It is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language and is the default package manager for Node.js, a popular runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a web browser.

NPM provides a registry of over a million open-source packages that can be easily installed and managed using the command-line interface. These packages can be used to add functionality to a JavaScript application, such as libraries for working with databases, user interface components, or utility functions.

In addition to providing a way to manage dependencies, NPM also includes tools for managing the versioning of packages, publishing packages to the NPM registry, and managing the scripts that are used to build and test a JavaScript application.

NPM is widely used in the JavaScript and Node.js communities and is an essential tool for developers building web applications, server-side applications, and other JavaScript-based projects.

Prepare Terra.proto v2.0.0 pre-release & ensure peer review

Question: What is Terra.proto?

Terra.proto is a protocol buffer format used by the LUNC and LUNA 2.0 blockchains. Protocol buffers are a language- and platform-neutral way of serializing structured data, and they are used by the UNC and LUNA 2.0 blockchains to define the format of messages and data that are exchanged between nodes on the networks.

Integrate FeeShare module from Juno for release in v2.1.0

Question: What is the Juno FeeShare module?

The Juno FeeShare module is a module within the Juno blockchain that allows network validators to share transaction fees with their delegators. The FeeShare module is a key component of the network’s incentive mechanism.

When a user sends a transaction on the Juno network, they pay a fee that is collected by the network validators who process the transaction. The FeeShare module allows validators to distribute a portion of these fees to their delegators, who are users that have delegated their stake to the validator in exchange for a share of the rewards generated by the network.

The FeeShare module is implemented using smart contracts on the Juno blockchain, and it is designed to be flexible and customizable to meet the needs of different validators and delegators. Validators can set their own fee distribution rules, such as the percentage of fees to be shared with delegators and the frequency of payouts, and delegators can choose to delegate their stake to the validators that offer the most attractive fee sharing arrangements.

Overall, the FeeShare module is an important component of the Juno ecosystem, as it helps to incentivize validator participation and stakeholder engagement, which are essential for the long-term success and sustainability of the network.

Finalize CosmWasm upgrade

Question: What is CosmWasm?

CosmWasm is a programming framework that allows developers to build smart contracts for blockchain platforms that use the Cosmos SDK, such as the Cosmos Hub, Terra, and many others. It is designed to be a user-friendly and flexible tool for developing decentralized applications (dApps) and custom blockchain-based solutions.

CosmWasm uses the Rust programming language, which is known for its speed, security, and reliability. Rust is a modern, systems-level language that provides low-level control over hardware resources, making it well-suited for building high-performance, mission-critical applications.

With CosmWasm, developers can write smart contracts that are secure, scalable, and customizable. The framework provides a range of features and tools for building and testing smart contracts, including a library of pre-built modules that can be used to implement common blockchain functionality, such as token issuance, governance, and staking.

CosmWasm also includes a number of developer-friendly features, such as a web-based development environment, a command-line interface for deploying and managing contracts, and a range of documentation and resources to help developers get started.

Overall, CosmWasm is a powerful tool for building decentralized applications and custom blockchain-based solutions on the Cosmos SDK, and it is rapidly gaining popularity among developers in the blockchain space.

Finalize Terra Operator v0.0.1

Question: What is the Terra Operator?

The Terra Operator is a tool that is used to deploy and manage validator nodes on the LUNC and UNA 2.0 blockchain networks.

The Terra Operator is a command-line tool that provides a range of functions for managing validator nodes, including:

  • Deploying new nodes on the LUNC and LUNA 2.0 networks
  • Upgrading existing nodes to new versions of the software
  • Monitoring the status and performance of nodes
  • Managing validator keys and security settings
  • Configuring node settings such as gas prices and transaction fees

The Terra Operator is built using the Kubernetes container orchestration system, which allows it to manage large numbers of validator nodes across multiple servers and data centers. It is designed to be highly scalable and fault-tolerant, ensuring that validator nodes are always available and performing optimally.

Overall, the Terra Operator is an essential tool for anyone who is operating a validator node on the LUNC and LUNA 2.0 networks. It provides a range of powerful functions for managing nodes and ensuring the security and reliability of the networks.

Overhaul CI (continuous integration) workflows

Question: What is CI (continuous integration)?


Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice that involves regularly merging code changes from multiple developers into a shared code repository and automatically building and testing the integrated code to detect and resolve any issues or conflicts as early as possible in the development process.

The goal of continuous integration is to ensure that the changes made by developers do not introduce bugs or cause other issues that can affect the stability or performance of the software. By continuously integrating code changes and running automated tests, developers can identify and fix issues quickly, reducing the risk of downstream problems and making it easier to maintain the codebase over time.

Continuous integration typically involves the use of a dedicated server or cloud-based service that automatically builds and tests the code whenever changes are pushed to the shared code repository. This can include compiling the code, running unit tests, and performing other checks to ensure that the integrated code meets the project’s quality standards and does not introduce any new issues.

Continuous integration is often used in conjunction with other software development practices such as continuous delivery and continuous deployment, which involve automating the process of delivering and deploying software updates to production environments. Together, these practices can help to streamline the software development process and improve the quality, reliability, and efficiency of software delivery.

Assess migration path for Tendermint => CometBFT

Question: What is Tendermint?


Tendermint is a software development company and an open-source blockchain technology that provides a high-performance consensus engine for building decentralized applications. It is designed to be a modular and flexible solution for building secure and scalable blockchain networks.

Tendermint provides a consensus engine that uses a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) algorithm to ensure that all nodes in the network agree on the current state of the system. This consensus algorithm is highly efficient and can process thousands of transactions per second, making it well-suited for high-throughput applications.

In addition to its consensus engine, Tendermint also provides a range of tools and modules for building decentralized applications, including a peer-to-peer networking layer, a state machine replication engine, and support for multiple programming languages.

One of the key features of Tendermint is its modularity and flexibility. Developers can use the Tendermint consensus engine with a range of different blockchain platforms, including the Cosmos SDK, Ethermint, and many others. This allows developers to create highly customizable and scalable blockchain solutions that are tailored to their specific needs.

Overall, Tendermint is a powerful and versatile technology for building decentralized applications and blockchain networks. Its efficient consensus algorithm and modular design make it a popular choice among developers in the blockchain industry.

Assess migration path for Tendermint => CometBFT

Question: What is CometBFT?


CometBFT is a Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus algorithm that is designed for use in blockchain networks. It is an open-source project that is maintained by the Comet team, and it is designed to be highly efficient, secure, and scalable.

CometBFT uses a variation of the traditional BFT algorithm, which allows it to achieve high throughput and low latency while still maintaining strong security guarantees. It is designed to be highly fault-tolerant, meaning that it can continue to operate and maintain consensus even in the presence of faulty or malicious nodes.

One of the key features of CometBFT is its support for sharding, which allows it to scale to support very large networks with many nodes. Sharding is a technique where the network is divided into smaller sub-networks or shards, each of which is responsible for processing a subset of the overall transaction volume. By using sharding, CometBFT can achieve high throughput while still maintaining strong security guarantees.

CometBFT is also designed to be highly flexible and customizable. It can be used with a wide range of blockchain platforms and can be configured to support different consensus parameters and security models. This makes it a popular choice among blockchain developers who need a flexible and efficient consensus algorithm for their applications.

Overall, CometBFT is a powerful and efficient consensus algorithm for building scalable and secure blockchain networks. Its support for sharding and flexibility make it a popular choice for developers in the blockchain industry.


Meet potential future L1 Project manager.
Keeping us informed about Tweets and has a flair for drama.


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You should have said all this 3 months back. Saying all this now isn’t gonna make this proposal pass.

I can bet on it that if Rabbi goes ahead with the other plan without an oversight it’s gonna end exactly like this one.

Take a screenshot of this and keep it for memory.


I had to vote no on both options. Coming to this whole process now and trying to catch up. Based on the wording of the two proposals, I can’t tell which one is which. They both link to the same thread. I’m making an assumption that 11426 is the first and original proposal since it is labeled “by LuncBurnArmy” and has a lower proposal number, but the second proposal 11432 is more detailed and more closely resembles what the original proposal in this thread was trying to accomplish. Which one is which?

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11432 is the correct proposal number. The other one is just rubbish. Don’t vote on that.

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It wasn’t about the proposal. It was about you and your actions.

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Appreciate the response man, but it isn’t really helpful. I don’t blindly follow anything (nobody should). Help me to understand. It would be beneficial to know which one maps to the original proposal and which one maps to the rabbi proposal. Thx

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Nevermind since the team on the proposal is not up to date. Zaradar, luncburnarmy and superman are gone. This prop will sit there for the remainder of days left and expire.

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I dont think most validators will allow any non-doxxed team.The L1 team did not fail. TR failed. This complete decentralization that a number of people are trying to promote will never work.

TR - Gone
L1 Team- Gone
New team- Yet to come into existent -Gone


Most of validators are not even doxed, yet they technically sit above devs.

I was glad we had a doxxed team until they asked for legal protection money in
return. Imo this is not worth it. The fact that people on TR and beyond were doxed, didnt prevent bad things from happening. I no longer think this is necessary. Being anon also shields people who want to take charge of a hot potato which is LUNC in a way. No amount of lawyers and cayman islands ltds will protect LUNC if the govt attorneys put us in their crosshairs. Being anon and following governance does take most of liability away.

If youd like to have more of a guarantee that the work will be carried out - which i agree with - we could split the payputs into smaller chunks.

Have in mind that doing this with too much details and oversight required will hike the cost, may lead to creating another TGF and will scare away contractors. A good way is to develop a stable team on a trial and error basis. We should review their work in Q3, like we are doing now and remove those elements who didnt work.


At least the project manager should reveal his identity and making himsellf accessible to users and stakeholders to help promote transparency, accountability, and build trust in the project. It can also help to establish the credibility of the project manager and the project as a whole. LUNC is on shaky ground.

The nature of the validator role protects the chain.

TGF may have had issues, that does not mean that we dont need a central body.

As I alluded to before, complete decentralization of the LUNC chain has proven to be very problematic.
It has created challenges in terms of governance, accountability, and scalability. Without a central authority or governing body, it can be difficult to coordinate development efforts, address disputes or conflicts, and the central body can ensure that the network operates effectively and efficiently.

“In practice, many blockchains operate on a spectrum of decentralization, with some elements of central control and decision-making, while still retaining a degree of distributed control and authority. This hybrid approach can help to address some of the challenges associated with complete decentralization, while still retaining many of the benefits of a distributed network.”

Who will be tasked to develop a stable team ? A trial an error? May lead to waste of money. The reason “TGF” did not work the way it should, was that spending proposals were sent to the community to vote on instead of TGF since it was optional . This was a fallacy I pointed out . TGF should have been the team to vet all spending proposals and bring their recommendations for us to vote on. Most of us are not technically inclined. Why should we vote on something we dont understand.

I must agree that TGF has some reporting to do with the LUNC community. For instance did any group request any bid to build on the chain? If so, why weren’t they given the grant?


I hear what you are saying, in principle it sounds ok. However, so far it didn’t work - i mean long term. There were short terms where it was ok. Funny enough it worked the best at the begining when we had volunteers form TR. Imho the point we are now is similar to a business a step away from going into administration. The way out is prunning the business model to bare minimum. Dev-only plan that Rabbi proposed seems ok given the situation.
Frankly at this point I dont see a place for project managers , PR teams, Repeg funds or mentorship dojos. We should focus on upgrades and then transition into more advanced feats will come later

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I still hope this one passes. We need a team for Q2 and I doubt any other team will get the votes it needs.

Maybe community can start looking for a Q3/Q4 team?

Is 10000$ really that important?