Mint LUNC to level the playing field

Minting more coins for pre-attack LUNC holders does nothing to incentivize post-attack/post-mint holders to spend their LUNC. Further minting more might dilute new LUNC holders power (who took advantage of the attempt at stabilizing LUNC/USTC). Yet new LUNC holders might eventually just acquire any new LUNC being minted. Minting more LUNC for pre-attack holders is well intentioned, but doing so will trigger further loss of faith in LUNC. With the new tax mechanism in effect on Terra Classic, the next issue is that LUNC still can’t be moved/spent for burn mechanism to take place. The re-implementation of IBC on Terra Classic should help movement of LUNC and USTC again. But validators and developers still need time to implement the changes to Terra Classic and on top of that, LFC still has too much influence on future of both Terra Classic and Terra 2.0.