My terra coin steal from station terra wallet

Hello all ,yetserday afternoon i move my coin to terra wallet for airdrop before i know binance will support airdrop ,in night ,i found all my coin at terra wallet has been transfered to another wallet without i know and i have zero coins ,could you advice me what i need to do to return all my coin because i compelety depress & sad i lose money in crash and now some stole my money and still see the coin in another terra addresswho stole my coins
my address :
really i need help for how i return my coin


Nothing can be done here.

who can help me pls

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No one can help you, as your wallet got hacked and funds have been gone.

i still see my coin in another terra wallet

Nobody has the power to access that wallet. Only the person with the seed phrase can do so.

Hi I got one support address here and I chatted there for airdrop they sai you have to connect your terra wallet on this page and transfer your coins from metamask to terra wallet after validation you will get airdrop in few minutes see the chat. I have doubt it’s genuine tera support

There is no official support, so that is a s.cammer!!

Do not connect your wallet anywhere/type your seed phrase. They will steal all your coins.


so i lost my money


Thanks you so much rosanne but here in forum I got that address by David user and did you see the website address same like original tera who can doubt on that but I doubted when he said you will get airdrop in few minutes even not yet launched Tera should take action on that websites

Thanks, I will ban that user!

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So sad for you just now I saved myself to be victim of scam situation is critical now we have to take every step very carefully and with official terra team support

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That happened to me also
I am sorry it happened to you
I have the wallet address also and they are still doing it scamming people

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i saw the value today 17 million USD.and still there in another wallet .

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I would like to think there is a way as we all have the addresses we could do something :frowning:

There isn’t, wallet addresses are public, but there is no way to reverse transactions or anything like that

You have to check if you have asked to undelegate… them, the coins are trapped in a process wallet
look at

all good, best wishes

Hello Maldonado ,
Could you explain more pls .how I can do this .
Thank you very much .

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the account : terra1a2t22y8hxqqvksxvtam9ymukgze0e3hhuunly5
send to

the clue is : terra1ncjg4a59x2pgvqy9qjyqprlj8lrwshm0wleht5
sound like a colector
How were these transactions made?
This someone has your keys
You have to find out who owns these accounts, ask in the community
the clue is : terra1ncjg4a59x2pgvqy9qjyqprlj8lrwshm0wleht5

it’s an account full of different currencies…sounds like he’s someone notorious in the community

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