[NEW Proposal on Terra Station] Re-enable IBC Transfers

It has been one week after the proposal has passed! Why no any update. This is so unfair and irresponsible for terra holders in IBC.

Did anybody get the airdrop?

Yes, just restore wallet from seed phrase in terra station from seed pharse keplr

Thank you for sharing the info! I did as you said and see some Luna 2 now. I thought I was left behind.

Is it all that we should get or is it the first 30%? Shouldn’t there be more (like 70%) locked somewhere? When I click on ‘Staking’ tab it is saying ‘Under Maintenance’. Please share your information

U can see yours locked coins in finder.terra.money

no one concern the proposal of enable ibc transfer ?

come on enable IBC brother!!!

It seems like it can’t be done without a chain halt.

So when will ibc be officially opened, we have been waiting for a long time

I can’t see it happening tbh

Won’t it open?

Something is going on:

https://twitter.com/john_is_whale/status/1534315862215344128?s=21&t=3KYL3JS5h4YxtO_AswAAcg do just like the Orion money validator, I asked your community if you want them to vote yes on proposal 3568 to burn luna. What do you have to lose, you already have luna v2 let us try to save luna v1 everything we ask for. Terra Station
