Problem with Terra Bridge

Hello, I have a problem. I have sent UST from the Binance Smart Chain using the Terra bridge. The transaction was performed on BSC but failed on Terra giving this error:

out of gas: out of gas in location: WritePerByte; gasWanted: 90499, gasUsed: 91041

Provide the txid so we can check, im assuming the screenshot you posted is the transaction from the terra shuttle wallet?

My simple guess on this situation is that you did not have enough UST or Luna on your wallet to perform the transaction. Try to keep minimum 2 UST on your wallet excluding the amount you want to send. For example, if you have 100 UST on your wallet, you will only be able to send 98 UST, not 100 UST considering the gas fee.

I had the same issue from Solana, apparently you require preexisting funds on Terra. Idk about you but that isnt exactly easy in my country. Ultimately some one gave me a $5 bootstrap to finish the tx and come to Terra.

I wish we could pay both tx fees on one side.

Hi Papi
I repost to see if you can help
I have sent fund from my wallet “terra1533zpy0q43xy4hv3sn55tlz3n2magghhy0r6vs” using terra bridge

to my BSC wallet “0x3de287b854CA06A5fDfc23e3dd2233DE7851Ce60” . Got the confirm that transaction went through Hash Number “EDA7E4785D44D0175B38C835DCA350BE31BCFD806B4331190B32EFA67B890627”
I wait for hour but did not get the fund in my BSC account. I sent another test to same BSC account above. Got the confirm that went through the hash number is “44D0F15921BB2D771AAD12597CD5230F02E7F8C322D16C8A06601F4753D65F0D”
But did not see the fund in my BSC wallet above. I check the history in Terra station I notice this two transaction did not have destination address in Memo field. I think is a bug in terra bridge I am using google chrome on this two transaction. Please help me… Thanks

Did you use to make these transfers?

Yes I did . I have been made the transfer many time. I think there is a bug that my fund got into
deposit address but the contract don’t know where to send the fund. I think i would need someone handle terra bridge look into that

Hello anyone
I found out the new multi protocol wallet called “liquality” is a problem . They integrate its wallet with Terra network. It did not work properly with terra bridge. I wish I did not use it .Now my fund is in limbo .Don’t use it to bridge a large fund . I think back I should experienced with small fund first.Now I need help from Terra Bridge team to recover my fund still in depositary wallet . If anyone fromTerra bridge team out there Please help