[Proposal] BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction 💊 [PART I]

Feels like a terrible attempt at sarcasm. If so, these guys are truly terrible humans and I hope karma gets to them…

-no it is still there on his twitter

Who does this benefit? Many investors came much later.

If luna is not burn, then devs and Do are truly scammers and we must unite ruined their the entire New Luna until it remains a sample coin. what’s all this wickedness


Biggest luna whale in favor of burn:


Only reason they don’t want to burn is because they just want a double ruined. first for those before depeg (which already happened except for the team), and second for those who bought after. These guys need a jail sentence.


i think they dont have capital to buy lower price and to down cost. That’s why they object

We dont want Fork.


Trust your instincts, these big LUNATICS know exactly what to do and can fix this the right way. They just want more lives ruined. Lunatics!

Still a win even if they support the fork. Then we will have burning implemented, and when Fake Luna launches and is DOA, they’ll all come back to Real Luna…

If they go with the fork then they make it fair.
People who bought during attack having nothing.

As the price was around 40 to 2$ and the supply was 400M to 5B at max.

Why they should be categorised in the 6.5T supply category!

Snapshot should be taken before the halt.

It would be fair.

Great idea.
This community absolutely must have a reserve platform for these discussions.
I mean… Official discord is in read-only mode. Delegations do not work, they turned them off (without any proposals or any kind of vote at all!). Solo voting on proposals seems to not work(?) (I saw posts about it from others and just checked it myself). Burn proposal is ignored by the team and mr. StableSc@m himself. Even the word “sc@m” is banned here and who of us here can’t tell what it usually implies in the crypto space?
Community is already getting silenced. You can ignore 90%+ of the community voices for long, but it doesn’t look good for you, and it doesn’t feel good, especially if one’s ego is proven bigger than one’s reserves for stablecoin, so… You can imagine what will probably happen next.
Here is my guess: all sorts of censorship, e.g. deleted posts, bans, shadowbans and deleted topics.
Further attempts to disrupt any efforts to organize the community, take over the original Terra, etc. Bargain with validators to accept the fork and vote for it. Disregard of any other proposals/solutions than a fork. All kinds of contradicting promises to one side(ust) and the other(luna) to “compensate” lost investments with a fork. Classic “divide & conquer”, etc.
And voila: “Majority voted for the fork! This is what you all wanted! Now let me dump these coins allocated to me without lockup while you sit on your pledged-2-year-vesting investments that already lost 99.9% of the value because of my greedy egoistic nature”.
Every sc@m is getting milked until it’s completely dry.
This circus will continue unless we do what we can to stop it.

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everyone tweet this to CZ
Need as many people as possible to tweet CZ so that he cano read this.

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Luna v2 will not be dumped since coin will be airdroped and locked for 1 years, then 2 years vesting for small holder and 4 year vesting for whales



smart minority here

Thanks for the info! If it can be done with no change to code, we should alert validators and encourage them to add a small (0.1%?) BaseFee immediately so that we start with small burns.

Yes, light years better than a fork! the fork solves nothing and just sweeps the current mess under a rug.



it’s a totalsupply that is important.