[Proposal] BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction 💊 [PART I]

hopefully top and. Luna gets better and goes back to her old self and the Idea of ​​Catalling is abandoned.


Yeah they’ll never let it pass. Kwon is probably waiting until he pays off every single validator to launch his vote today so he can’t lose. Such a shame

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@AtoZ this proposal has been removed again could you please help ?

Help in here to re-whitelist again


validators. Say stop removing offers. Please.!!

It seems they don’t want to show it anymore :sweat_smile:

so what news outlet should we send that to since they won’t follow there own voting system

Are we seriously being silenced?


Voting has begun! So many yes for fork!!! Who is voting for that?!

That’s what we must email to the validators actually, they don’t care about the validators’ opinion. This is serious, let’s send this proof to all validators.

We should also let our supportive validators know this situation. They may share this proposal on the validators’ group again

lol its riggerd. literally the WHOLE community wanted the burn, and the voting count stopped/slowed down. and this proposal for the vork NOBODY wanted gets so much votes right away? GTFO


Our supportive validators should vote for “no with veto” for that dictator’s proposal




_ we shall choosing this proposal_
_ and paring them with this one _
PART I https://classic-agora.terra.money/t/proposal-burn-and-remedy-fee-with-each-luna-transaction/12176/2322 and PART II https://classic-agora.terra.money/t/proposal-burn-and-remedy-fee-with-each-luna-transaction-part-ii/27275
this is the best idea at time!

They will do what they want… They dont care about community.

Is it possible to vote for the burn proposal ? I read that people have trouble voting because in order to vote you need to stake your coins and you can’t stake anymore if you didn’t already stake before. Is this true ?

vote no with Vito is gaining

:fire:YES …. No Veto 35 %