[Proposal] BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction 💊 [PART I]

Only those who stake before blocking can vote for his proposal.
It is not an open vote but block only for validators (and those who have stakes before). The why they have increased their participation and blocked the stake.

So no choice to make noise to what can vote


Lets keep voting for this , most probably v2 will be forked but V1 has more potential than V2

Not much to do. These validators has promises to be rich. We should modify our proporsal to give devs+validators something fresh if we want they stay there, is not fair but that’s how the game works.

can we organize a Class Action against Do Known and the Validators if the do not implement the Burn Mechanism and instead go with the fork?

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some people say there no possibilities of buy back Binance have this bcz Binanace a big company

i want to Binance not become a big in one they work hard they get ideas what market n peoples actually need they made product they provide service thy tried to save there users to day thy are big
that’s way we are telling TLF have to do some thing big n clear this is not joke
where the TLF Reserved Fund they are issue balance Sheet with around 3B USD =
Value Crypto Assets Available
what have to do

put 10Milion USD in Market n Buy Deferent positions n sell at deferent positions profit Value Luna gose in burn wallet
my be this is not clear but i ill try to clear it
if buy at 0.00017 level with 10M
TLF get 58823529411.76
when he sell on 0.00018 they get 10588235.29411680
reput re buy till decrease the Value
profited Luna goes to burn
deferens in one buy sell transection around 3B

Did anyone check this vote? They want to increase governance proposal fee by 10.000x and burn additional fee.


Yes, it is true that it has not been said, but it goes without saying, that there must be a compensation to the contributors (Dev, Validators, Staker, etc.). It could not have been said enough.
But for the moment no one other than the community participates. The priority being given to the fact that the number of token available must be reduced by acting in the short term.

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If you look at here, voters except from stakers and validators have no voting power. This means that our votes have no meaning. Only big stakers like do kwon team moves the voting percentage, as well as validators. Thus, we can only hope the fail of that dictators’ proposal from validators.

Don’t worry, Do Kwon and his minions will be in jail soon


As a community, our task now should be focus on rendering the new luna useless even before it starts

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I will be posting a full proposal soon. I would undermine the LUNA 2.0 and Do Kwon proposal as he will probably end up in jail soon

Everyone seems to be forgetting that a community owned chain can do WHATEVER the COMMUNITY wants to do. So the burn WILL happen FORK OR NO FORK =)

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Do kwons minions gonna go shop for lube sooner than their proposal passes.

New validator for veto on a luna v2.

They push them to vote, and work on the continuation of Luna


Do Kwon’s legal team left for a reason. The dude is caught red handed and trying to fork to skirt responsibility. But what he didnt realize was that regulators would be hammering down on him so quickly. All those voting yes to the fork better think long and hard about going along with this rag puller’s plans


"This dude manipulated bag holders who lost all their life savings to stay on the boat while the price was falling, as short sellers were making millions.

Now, the community gives him a chance to set things right and fight for what’s left, and he decides to give them all breadcrumbs; at the same time rigging a vote and working in the back stage with his friends to push his proposition forward. Needless to say those same friends must have strong “incentives” to do so.

He’s a crook! If there is any justice in the world he won’t get away with this."


The community is large enough to take over. What big name person wouldnt want to step in and take over after all of this? Anyone with any type of tokenomics background can easily see that there is a solution to this and can see that buying in now and fixing the problem will be a WIN/WIN for everyone.

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ƞimdi borsalarda elimizde kalan luna pulları ne olacak. Terra cĂŒzdanlara mı aktarmamız gerekiyor.

It’s over guys, Do Kwon robbed not just investors but also the government.

LUNA/UST will never recover from this bad publicity

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Only hope LUNA Classic has is a complete takeover of ownership with a brand new team.