[Proposal] BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction 💊 [PART I]

nice nickname :sunglasses:


Guys, this proposal is a pass: Burn The Remaining UST in the Community Pool + Cross-Chain Liquidity Incentive UST
What remains is when is coming into effect.

$LUNA :rotating_light:New gossip about Luna :rotating_light::rotating_light: BTCs are not sold :exploding_head: just sent to exchanges for security. It is said to be a ploy made just to close the staking rewards cheaply… :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:#lunaterra #Terra_Luna 12 billion dollars worth of btc lost repeg if you eat it. I might get banned for writing this.

I don’t know how many polls I’ve seen on twitter now but all of them say burn or save luna with out the fork so im not sure how he can get this past when its not what the community want

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haha You are following him

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Sorry to pop your bubble, but the decision has already been made.

The biggest validators are already showing support for a fork (orion and smartstake), and none of the big ones have voted on this proposal. (except for staking systems)

The proposal of Do will easily reach the threshold tomorrow.

https://twitter.com/GhossThea/status/1526225451869511683?t=gPKlZ1QNeNeoD3OkA3S8vQ&s=19 check this too :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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We need to make it happen

The block just posted this :muscle:


keep sharing that in other threads, make noise. We need the BTC LFG’s transactions to be verified.


Did you check this? btc transfers not shown. even here you can see they have 12k btc. also CZ didn’t know that?

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I have checked who has power vote in the validator. This is name is orion money. Every people should go to orion money tweet account and write there about request vote yes

Cz does know and called for transparency and is waiting for Do Kwon and team

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They want to appear transparent in public, but they are not.


Terra now deserves a new CEO


The community is not being heard. This is communism.


LUNA has extremely high beta, just look at the candles. Price changes nearly by %5-10 in a single 5-minute candle. So because of the reward being very high swing traders and position traders won’t mind about %3 tax. Maybe day traders can hesitate to trade.


With this kind of volume and volatility adding tx tax to burn would be work.