Proposal to Improve Burns Without Changing Tax and Increasing Chain Volume

we win either way. the “if” is largely contained and mitigated. if this is the level of discussion, better not say anything. tell me with the numbers where I’m wrong, the weak points of the proposal or are you based on precocious behavior and personal intuition without going any further. Thesis: sell at the average burn price of the 10 eras before the amount of securitized taxes. if you don’t sell everything, the shares of the unsold must still be burned. if there are more taxes, the valuation and trading of these nfts increases. more volume, more taxes. let’s suppose 900,000,000 monthly lunc burnt. 80% is 720,000,000 million (must be the proceeds from the sale) 180,000,000 would continue to burn because 20% still goes to the d3ath wallet. assuming that in the end you get 1,100,000,000 from taxes of which 220,000,000 should be burned. (20%) add the sale 720,000,000 and we have a total of 940,000,000 in a month instead of 900,000,000. if the revenue turns out to be lower, the sale was good, you don’t even need to explain. consider that the increase in tax revenues hypothetically will certainly be partly due to the trading of these NFTs. the valuation of these has increased, contextually with the trading volume. you have more burns than you would have without using this system. if volume increased without counting nft trading, 20% of that is burned anyway, 80% increase (not counting nft trading) is fully offset by 250,000,000,000 lunc trading volume . assuming that (1,100,000,000-900,000,000)=200,000,000 this surplus compared to the average was not completely generated by the trading of NFTs. a trading volume of 250,000,000,000 lunc would have sufficed. because 250,000,000,000 taxed at 0.5% is 1,250,000,000 lunc. of these 1,250,000,000, 20% goes to the CP or 250,000,000 lunc. 80% or the remaining 1,000,000,000 is divided into 200,000,000 lunc burned. 800,000,000 goes to the NFts stakers. we are talking about a volume of about 250,000,000,000*0.000087=21,750,000 dollars. nothing absolutely impossible. I don’t count the fact that during the next sale the price will reflect the highest expectations. if you don’t know how to answer with numbers or arguing, get a book and start reading rather than answering me on Agora. I’m not convinced “the plan” is made by numbers. in all your messages and those of @Kryptobia , there is no sustained and argumentative reason why the proposal would not work. I’m not selling you anything, it’s something we’ll all benefit from, it’s easier to do nothing than sit at a table and think, those who try are told to shut up without even understanding what they are saying.
ridiculous behavior.
even more ridiculous, is sticking to all my words, without guessing the concept behind it and modifying any imperfections.

answer me arguing with mathematics and logic. otherwise say nothing. your replies so far have not added value to the conversation. I explained with numbers why it can work. if you think I failed to explain why it might work you certainly didn’t say why it wouldn’t work.

You are basically asking to skip burn tax, collect the funds, sell NFTs that offer the right to collect and burn.

And all of that - is supposedly done for free. Upkept for free. Developed for free.

All in the name of ending up in the same situation, but with more steps.

NFT’s were all the rage in 2020-21.
Nowadays you are hard pressed to find folks if all you offer is AI generated art.

This project could work if done as a user incentive, having some modicum of success as a L2.

Yet, you want to change the L1 code and have L1 do all this NFT marketing, minting, liquidity pools, contracts, change of L1 underlying modules etc?

Sounds fantastic. Have at it. Repetition isn’t my slice of bread, so I see no continued need to point out some of the flaws in this brilliant plan.

I’m asking to divide the tax’s right and sell it.
the sale guarantees: - predictability in burns. - makes them anticipated. -contributes to the increase in volume in the chain thanks to the exchange of these.
the L1 team is paid. if this brings advantages, I don’t see what the rest has to do with it. I admit that I don’t know the effort times that something like this would need, since you named them as problems, do you have an idea?

but what does fashion and digital art have to do with what I have proposed? Nft, tokens, coins, crypto. they are just names. you care what’s underneath. This nft isn’t that people would buy it for aesthetics. it could be a totally black jpg file. its value is that it entitles you to the collection of taxes. if I, a speculator, think I will get more from the taxes I collect than from my investment, I buy it. we as a protocol, the vendors, guarantee ourselves a certain amount of burns, regardless of the outcome and, thanks to the buying and selling of these tools, we increase the volume and the burns in the chain. the choice of the NFT, as already explained, is due to the fact that it does not need a pool of liquidity. above all it is possible to rent it instead of necessarily selling it. so that every x time (I proposed about 10 epochs-70g) the right comes back to us and we make our evaluations. a royalty on sales may also apply.

what should you create as a layer 2 incentive? most of them are “dogs chasing their tail” I don’t know if this idiom exists in English. but it’s an offer you burn at the stake for basically nothing. place your bet here. the nft has its intrinsic value. If the volume on the chain increases, you earn more lunc than you spent and possibly even more than staking. trading volume and subsequent resale of rights should smooth out any “loss”. in any case, the anticipation of burns and the predictability of these are already in themselves two great profits on our part.

NFT’s are L2.
L1 team would be needed to change the entire underlying structure that allows you to siphon taxes into separate pools and get distributed from there for one specific L2 dapp.


so fiver programmers are not enough eh? Seriously, whatever there is to do, if it actually brings benefits, it’s time well spent. I think it would be the most used dapp right now for where we are today.

I don’t see much interest in it.
Fiverr dev you pay.
L1 isnt for free either.

Anyway. Do whatever you want.

Project LUNCBurn…


Save your effort.
Already there bro


Hmmmm looks a lot like project lunc burn,




:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Great idea but… It’s already been done :grin:



Isn’t there Project Luncburn?




Sounds like #ProjectLuncBurn


Hmmmm…. Burn NFTs. What a great idea although I feel like I’ve seen this before, oh yeah #projectLUNCBurn.


For anyone interested in a NFT project that burns. FOREVER. Buy some of these.

We already launched :innocent: NFT Launchpad :fire: :fire_engine: :firefighter: :woman_firefighter: :man_firefighter: :heart_on_fire:


Did someone mentioned #projectLUNCBURN yet ?


#projectLUNCburn #HCC


excellent opportunity to advertise and I hope that it to work. but other than that, what does this project have to do with chain tax securitization? you see a point in common and you say it’s the same thing… the difference seems so obvious to me that it seems ridiculous to try to explain why it isn’t

if you read carefully you see that you burn lunc. burn lunc for the right to collect taxes. straight paid by burns. The right represented by a nft. the nft is rented. since taxes are used to burn you are interested in burns. if you sell the right of collection by pricing it in lunc, and burn the proceeds, we have our beloved burns, whoever buys has the bet that the volume will increase. I have explained this several times in the thread. I don’t understand how it’s not clear. the advantages are : 1) almost the equivalent of the projected taxes that would have burned is burned 70 days in advance 2) we have a predictable and stable burn 3) NFT trading volume will increase burns.