Providing flexible Unstaking options : { 0 days} , { 7 days} and { 21 days}

The claim that this would lead to greater price stability is not well-substantiated. While it may influence short-term liquidity by encouraging staking, it doesn’t fundamentally address the supply-demand imbalances that cause price volatility.


No, you are wrong with the math. In your case, nobody will unstake normally, waiting 21 days with 0 rewards (currently you don’t earn in this period). Because it would be better wait 21 days and then unstake inmediatly, paying 50% of rewards, it mean, earn 50% of the 21 days reward in this case vs 0 in the original case. Maybe you didn’t know that a delegator don’t earn rewards during the 21 days period when unstaking.

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The long blocking time of many blockchains in the cosmos ecosystem means that users do not have much confidence in keeping their assets there unless there is a mainly economic reason that motivates them to do so. That is why many prefer those blockchains that have a reduced period because it gives them greater confidence and ease to recover their money.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if there is a lending or farm platform, users will choose to have their money there if the incentive is good.

I still do not agree with the penalty and I prefer to have my money away from staking on this type of blockchain

Any possibility it can be done on a daily basis (with appropriate tax deduction - based on calculations that day 0 = 50% tax and day 21 is 0% tax linearly)?
Model below for consideration -

Or maybe even hourly using the same logic?
Model below for consideration -

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this is a horrible idea


LOL for sure you will get more stakers with deducting their base portfolio… dreamer…

Is it so hard to look how other chains with top% of stakers have implement this…
tip…noone is deducting anything from intial staking amount …so you want to loose or get additional stakers?

perhaps 1y staking = 0 fees instant unstake

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Only reason why LUNC has a much higher APR than other chains such as ADA and SOL is because overall staking % is MUCH lower (2 to 3x) then mentioned ones. Sol and ada have no penalties, no tax deductions and short unstaking period thats why they have so high st % we also want to have… or not?

Thinking to tax base staking amount in case of flexible unstaking is really id.iotic. Basically people like to stay liquid so address them with proper staking solution. btw how many people lost everything bcz of this bs 21 days unst. period when luna started collapsing…? think about it…

Source? I never hear anyone complain about unstaking periods except for on Juno which is 28 days. If you’re that against locking up your coins, you can use liquid staking - ampLUNC already exists on Terra Classic ( Strangely doesn’t seem to be gaining any traction - so maybe the 21 day lock-up isn’t a problem for people at all. Changing the blockchain mechanics like this would be extremely unusual, I can’t even think of any chain that has done it.


That’s a good point, based on “moon” boys and girls on twitter and all those shillers claiming none of them will sell under $1 seems that no one has issues with staking period :slight_smile:

Only blind cant see that 21 days unst. period is major factor for just 14% staking share …add here also huge risk that smth will go wrong again and we are here where we are, so people are not stupid. Erisprotocol what? who would risk it with everyday rugpulls news… with 0 period chain would show self confidence and that is notafraid of bank runs

The freedom to instantly undelegate along with other speedier options should be a percentage of the amount undelegated.


You can sell your LUNC and buy USTC.
We havent tokens for pool’s.

That’s something we started to explore some months ago but now I think the times are more mature so, thanks Vegas for bringing this again to the attention of the community!

This to be said, I’ll put this not as a reward cut, but as a unstaking penalty. And this in order to realize a win-win situation but let’s keep this simple:

  1. Unstaking penalty

This is about to introduce the possibility of an earlier unstaking with penalty.

21 days unstake > 0% penality ( regular unstake, 100% of tokens are returned )

14 days unstake > 1% penality ( so 1% of staked tokens are not returned but burned/oracle/community pool )

7 days unstake > 2% penality ( so 2% of staked tokens are not returned but burned/oracle/community pool )


Eris Protocol is live on many blockchains and has been around for a whole year, forking Spectrum Finance’s code which was live on Terra for a year before that ( Are you even a Terra Classic follower if you haven’t heard of it?

As for being ‘blind’ to your reasoning - explain then why ATOM, with 21-day unstaking, has 72% staked? People’s faith in this chain, just swing trading it, are reasons for the low staking numbers, not the unstaking period.


i can explain no problem. For highly risky chains like Lunc is, hence risk and
volatility is big, so investors will think twice before make staking decision. Add constantly changing tax and you loose add. people. People are seeking stability and Atom is mother of st. vs Lunc. High risk also bring high APR, and Lunc is very risky asset.

Yup… and shortening the unbonding period only makes it even more volatile


Yes flexibility is needed on unstaking.

But the numbers are a little confusing as it’s based on rewards not holdings.

As the APY changes it can be hard to work out the fee.

As long as it’s super clear what will be charged when selecting the unstake option I see no harm.

21 = free

14 = 10%

7 = 25%

Instant= 50%

With a box that clearly shows the fees to be charged.

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Everyone who votes for it can be given an Oscar for idiots.


That’s why you have to be aggressive on penalties, so that you don’t incentivize someone to unstake his/her tokens, or generally doing that frequently. On the other hand, you can’t penalize the initial capital because that’s unfair for someone who delegated his/her tokens for a long time. Balance is needed. We can see what is happening in the most known chains and implement something similar.