Rebellion in Animal Farm v2: Democracy

It is my impression centralized government structures are doomed to fail. For a centralized structure to exist there has to be centralized funding. How about we try a democracy?

Every community member gets 1 vote on deciding how to spend the community’s funds. You might wonder how are we going to determine who is a community member. Simple, prove you are a human using a zero-knowledge KYC (zkKYCK) (, do a simple tutorial on Terra Classic and its protocols and history and sign a vote transaction from a wallet that is at least 1 month old.


I am on Board with a 1-1 vote , assuring we can somehow verify that people are getting that 1-1. I can see in my head a possible way to ensure no double voting , I like this idea though.


The big problem you face with this approach is identifying the question(s) to ask. It is reminiscent to the classic tale of the ‘answer being 42’. Also getting enough well informed logical thinkers to vote and make a decision.

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What if we had the voter complete an unique knowledge test about blockchain and Luna Classic before he or she is able to vote? Thank you for your opinion by the way.


That unique knowledge test sounds good to verify if the voter is a human ~ it doesn’t verify their uniqueness which is required to limit the votes one unique character would get…


I’m in favor of a 1 to 1 equal vote.


Here is an idea:

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Their uniqueness could be verified by a zero-knowledge KYC or bio-metric identification. Verifying if someone is human and their uniqueness is a very complex problem, but there are many technologies that are making this possible. If this proposal is ever passed, we could use part of the community’s funds to form a team of experts on zkKYC. I believe that unless we implement such a system, we will be always be governed by whales. And the truth is that whales don’t care about regular people, we are their food. Maybe there is a way to prove someone is unique without a government ID, maybe some sort of behavior analysis that is unique to each human being, some sort of behavior signature. I won’t deny that this is a very complex problem, that need the best minds in the world in order to find a good solution.

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I like the idea of using existing (official ~ ex: passport) data that identifies people to create a unique wallet that gets one vote in our governance process and then disconnect the data from the unique wallet it created while keeping shards of the data ~ just enough to prove if the unique identity already created a unique wallet or not ~ in a secure area protected by zero-knowledge proof. If someone got access to that data, they wouldn’t know who’s wallet it represents.


This is a brilliant idea :clap:, you prove you are an unique human but your personal data never gets stored anywhere.

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