Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan

Am I missing something here in this calculation according to this plan?

  1. There are about 10 billion UST in circulation. If I bought 50k usd for 50k UST a couple weeks, back, this would be 50,000/10,000,000,000 = .000005

  2. Take 1 above and multiple by the proposed 400M coins (pro-rata explanation) :

.000005* 400 million =

and I’m left with ~2000 UST

  1. UST peg comes back to ~1 dollar;

My 50k UST coins are worth 2k? They are worth more now with a peg at ~.2? Should I sell immediately?

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Lets get the US government to bail us out, since they like bailing stuff out. Then they can keep UST and Luna can keep doing it’s thing.:us::rocket: Proposal

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You can just sell again, can’t you? Not so the people who have delegated their LUNA to participate in the DPoS mechanism.

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Before the crisis, I bought it from Binance tr for 510 lira, that is 32 dollars, I bought 54 in total, they all melted away. Then I bought it again at $17 and $18 to lower the average and they just melted away. My $2000 is gone. The Luna coins in my wallet are currently very low in value. This was our joint money with my wife and she doesn’t know, I haven’t been able to tell her yet. What about my money? Those who get from 0.00001 and those who are high like me should not be kept together. It should be fair. Losses of those who trusted and bought Luna before the crisis should be compensated quickly

It is good solution. We would have a gradual increase in value, and by continuously increasing the value, we would maintain interest in LUNA.

The core of the protocol is not traders in LUNA, it is stakers, who are locked in for 21 days.


Why not just let the project heal on it’s own? It’s like all of your forgot we’re in a recession and everything is tanking right now. This wasn’t an attack, there was too much ust and not enough luna. Going for a reset or weird distributions just means this’ll happen again when there’s another recession.

If we go for a reset, we’ll just see another depeg during the same recession.


@aeuser999 I have sent you 100 Luna (I can afford :slight_smile:
It’s 3am in here, so I would appreciate you going forward with submitting a proposal at your convenience :slight_smile:

Before the crisis, I bought it from Binance tr for 510 lira, that is 32 dollars, I bought 54 in total, they all melted away. Then I bought it again at $17 and $18 to lower the average and they just melted away. My $2000 is gone. The Luna coins in my wallet are currently very low in value. This was our joint money with my wife and she doesn’t know, I haven’t been able to tell her yet. What about my money? This is certainly not the fault of the investor. Those who get from 0.00001 and those who are high like me should not be kept together. It should be fair. Losses of those who trusted and bought Luna before the crisis should be compensated as soon as possible.

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Greetings to all and strength before all this situation that we are facing, definitely we must begin to apply this staggered refund USDC to all holders of UST favoring small wallets, people deposited confidence in the project firmly believing that UST had parity with the $ and this overnight vanished like a mirage, so it is fair that serious measures are taken and this proposal seems reasonable to me.

Do Kwon knows that he has the task to give us an answer with actions for believing in TERRA and more in what was supposed to be a stable token like UST, we have endured all the pressure, I know that they have the capacity to rebuild TERRA and to reimburse UST holders.

It is evident that the people with less resources and smaller investors as they have said are those who have been most affected, if this recovery plan is successful, not only will protect small investors, but it will also be a historical fact and the beginning of the recomposition of TERRA, because washing our hands should not be an option, we must comply with the investors who supported the project, this should be a law of life.

I hope next week all UST investors can receive the best news, God willing, because there is a lot of work of millions of people involved in that capital and the most logical thing is to restore through a refund all that trust that was deposited, the best vibes for everyone, we are together in this.

How can you draw a line at last $ 1 tick before the depeg?!?!?!?

Look back on the stablecoin history and especially algorithmic stableocoins, they ALL depeg ALL THE TIME !!!

Look at USDT biggest drops over the last years and just another one a few days ago, the same thing with DAI which depag even more, and the ONLY reason that those stablecoins are still alive and recovered, is that their community bought the deep and help them to bouns back!

so what are you doing ??? punish your own community that brought NEW money and spends their life-saving trying to help save your bleeding tokens? instead of rewarding them and seeing them at least as equal, you squeeze them to be the last to be counted ??? do you really think any court in the world will support that discrimination ???

and I’m not even talking about keeping untouched 10% supply to Terraform Labs development (which lead by you) that use to “DONATE” million of tokens to “Luna foundation” (which lead by you as well)

what is wrong with your decision skills? that is NOT the right way to treat other people!!
the only way to make it at all, it’s by a fair and equal way. if you can cut off those that really hurt the project do it, and if can’t, then do not hurt one group just to benefit other groups of investors.

Try again and share a better proposal.


I feel like there’s some confusion, people believe some how they will get there investment back. I don’t think that’s possible, the money is gone. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Hi @EdKraftman ,

Thank you - I will do my best to put down the action points that I think best fit the essence of what I wrote. Please also let me know any areas that you also feel should be included.

I see your address that it was sent from. I will send it back to that address when the deposit is returned.

Off to writing (and will check back for any further comments or action items you feel should be included).

With Thanks - I will let you know when it is up and the proposal number :slight_smile:

Hi, new to the forum. I started my journey into crypto and blockchain a couple years ago. I missed the parabolic move on luna due to personal life circumstances, so i waited for a healthy correction. Well, one came. The de peg. Ive been following the topic, studying the ecosystem. It is incredible, and i see more value than any other ecosystem. Seeing all of this, understanding some variants that need to happen to reach a sustainable outcome, has me concerned reading these. Ive bought as much as i can. I was unable to buy pre event, i cannot control that, neither can others that believe in the project regardless of entry. So, i want to say that First, pre holders should be prioritized obviously, and i agree the luna holders were the exit strategy. I agree that the proper route should be to buy and burn. No question. It is slower recovery, but this is a stronger project. This should not be a question. A solution that rewards pre event loyalty, as well as does not wreck newer holders that were waiting on an entry point for months. Yes we got them cheaper. Out of my control. And forgive my ignorance if im in the wrong direction, but the solution cannot be at the expense of new holders, respectfully. That does not mean we are not willing to contribute to reestablishing health.

Personally, i would donate half of my position to the burn or rewards distribution to assist in stabilization. Its only right. But the question is, and concern is, all of us are going to get the shit end of the stick. Yes, this is emotional and lots were damaged. But you cant destroy new trust, or fork. It has to be burnt, stabilized and grow organically. It is possible.
Incentivise holders of UST, and implement a protective collateralized protocal to prevent this from reaccuring and reward loyal UST holders. UST is high priority. But you cant screw luna holders, regardless of entry. Buy and burn luna in forward attempt to re peg, then stabalize price. There isnt going to be an easy solution for either side. But there damn sure is a right one, if the project wants to continue to grow and establish trust.

Again, i only want to help, and see this project grow while giving a retail perspective of the situation. So if anything i say is a little off, i am still learning this ecosystems protocals and structure. Buy and burn needs to be heavily heavily considered, and integrate compensation for impacted holders by allocating a part of the final supply to their deserving values, or some other way. Its the only way this project has a sustainable future, if that is even cared about at this point in time. There is always a solution. Retail will come and go - dedicate transaction taxes or something to the rewards pool for the loyal. I could be way off. But dont screw those that bought at the bottom of the barrel, eager to be a part of the project finally. Bless you all

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The available Luna should be purchased and burned. Upon every sale or trade that same number of Luna should be burned until the maximum coins equals 1 billion. This will be fair, and stabilize the coin.


So isn’t one of the ideas of this to pump UST because basically all UST holders at the time of the new token creation would get an airdrop?

Has that been discussed in here? I haven’t seen it.

I think most people miss this detail

Adopt the @FatMan proposal and do what the BTC reserves were designed for, to protect UST holders/savers. You need to announce how much is remaining, documentation of what it was used for, and plans for restitution for UST holders who YOU TOLD TO HOLD STEADY for a UST rescue plan. You can’t move forward while thousands of people and their families have their lives ruined because they trusted in your stablecoin. Please address the proposal. Your silence is deafening and legal action will be taken. This doesn’t need to be another Bernie Madoff or Mt. GOX situation.

You can even move forwards with a new chain and give ALL the LUNA v2 to LUNA holders, which will actually have value once small UST savers (90%+ of them anyway) are made whole. Vitalik, CZ and others have expressed support for this as well. Do what is right.

That proposal is not about reviving the ecosystem.

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