Terra Rebels Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance

Respectfully, this prop is a cash grab. Kudos on attempting to find a way to make a profit on terra.

That said, also a seasoned IT person, and there is absolutely no way there is 720 hours per month of labor to run this in a sane and dependable way.

This prop sets off my b****sh**t detector. Trust is lost.

My strong recommendation is vote No.


No one said there is 720hrs of labor, but there is 24/7 monitoring of all services, which requires 3 people to rotate in shifts, unless you think its acceptable that something as critical as this infrastructure should not be monitored 24/7? I also trust that you are giving a informed opinion and know how to properly monitor a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus?

I would love to hear what your suggestions would be make this easier?


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No thanks to another TR cash grab. Cannot agree more with the notion that you guys owe us an appropriate aquittal of funding already received before wanting more.
The whole attitude of piss on the community and the continued feeling that somehow you do not report to it stinks.


If people can no longer trust developers and people trying to build something here, shut down and go because all is lost


Rebel Station is an excellent product so far. TR seems to be adding more and more features too. I’m really happy with it.

On the other hand, people have been coming to TR’s discord asking why Terra Station isn’t working properly.

Remember, Terra Station is being handled by TCV that is now being plagued by the hack on Terraport. As much as I sympathise with all the investors involved in Terraport, do you guys actually think it’s a good idea to vote “no” on this proposal, and only have Terra Station moving forward?


Great job. Now @echel0n if you can please check my PR and push those changes, the Web UI will be much much better.


Can the monitoring be automated with alerts going out to a person who is “on call” during that time. The person “on call” wouldn’t get paid if the systems are working as expected but would get a higher hourly rate during the time they are actually dealing with any issues that come up. This compensates them for the hassle of dealing with the unexpected schedule and means the community doesn’t pay for when things are going to plan.

Monitoring / Alerts are already automated, but no system is perfect and requires humans to check and ensure things are running smooth, and then there are maintenance tasks that need to be done as well time to time, on top of all that there is core upgrades and software updates, plus we work on other things that benefit the community such as the recent release of our mobile version of Rebel Station.

24/7 on-call and support comes at a price that requires the person(s) be retained, its like this with any MSP (Managed Service Provider), the reason for that is most these people have day jobs or other things in life that have priority, if its just paid per job then you can see how quickly focus and priority of that job can get lost, working for scraps doesn’t entice, I mean who wants to work meal to meal, specially when they already get paid with job security somewhere else, has to be worth it in the end.


Hi @echel0n with the recent hack/exploit of Terraport, could you please describe about some of the security precautions/code reviews etc. done over the Rebel Station desktop and new android mobile app? I understand the code is open source and available on Github, and that is good, but I and others would appreciate a word on this topic, to assist in confidence in moving forward with your teams work. Regards.


@JESUSisLORD all code changes get submitted up to our Github organization, currently I am the only one making those changes, aside from help on some CSS and ReactJS code, I’m not here to sell you on something, I do expect and actually suggest to always DYOR, just read up on the recent commits or have a dev go over them if you know one, get feedback from them.

I am not associated with TR in any way but I wish more people would understand how subcontracting works. Whether you are outsourcing development or building a house it is the same. You give the subcontractor a list of requirements and they give a price to meet those requirements. You do not get to dictate how they spend the money, only that they deliver on the agreed upon requirements. People are pissed off on how they spent the money, but guess what, no where was it dictated how the money could be spent and would people still be pissed off if how it was spent remained confidential? 99% of the people on this board have no experience running a business, hiring contractors, developing specifications or determining the needed skill sets for a project – they just see someone else making money (even though they are delivering an agreed upon result) as somehow preventing them from becoming a millionaire on their $25 investment. It is this kind of stupidity that is going to end up causing developers to flee and this token to wither and vanish. It is also why a 100% decentralized decision making process is not gong to work in the long run.


This is vital infrastructure for Lunc.

On the one hand we have TCV- unable to maintain Terra Station, and now presiding over a multimillion dollar scam.

On the other TR- who have delivered Rebel Station on the terms of their initial contract providing THE most substantial Lunc product to date.

It is easy to vote yes for Lunc’s future.


Please refrain from doing that. Despite the disagreement between the two dev groups, this post has a different purpose, let’s keep it to the point!

If you feel strongly about this proposal then by all means please go ahead and advertise it on your favorite social media platform… :+1:

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ok :expressionless: :zipper_mouth_face: :expressionless:

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@JESUSisLORD its rather disappointing to see that you would jump to twitter and switch your vote before coming back to sort things out, I only suggested that you get your own devs to review the code as to provide a non-biased viewpoint, also I said I wasn’t trying to sell you anything as a means for you to understand that I don’t want to be that car sales guy trying to tell you what you want to hear, its important that you get facts based on your own research, if the requirement for Rebel Station to be audited was a factor in any of this, we would of put that into the previous spend prop or a different one.

So I apologize that if what I said offended you in someway, but my intentions where good, but its up to you on how you vote and how you feel.



It would be better if TR provides the breakup of how $150k was spent until now


Hi @echel0n I felt my position would not be resolved by words here based on the reply I received, and still believe that. As I had considered your post overnight and in prayer, and made up my mind on the current situation, all that was left was to post publicly to announce my position to my followers and delegates, and encourage changes from your team. I support your work but would like to see security assurances/improvements. I have provided my feedback to TR on Twitter in several posts and explained about my position on your team going forward. Regards, Christopher.

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Ideally in the original proposal Agora post for completeness purposes and to keep the two proposals relevant to the task at hand.

Btw, it’s nice to see more validators taking an active role in the Agora discussions.

Hi, i guess this would mean extra work, do you mean the prop should include these costs?