Unlimited supply is the main reason why LUNA die, pls stop and burn 1% daily

Economic basic knowledge : Supply and demand.
Unlimited supply must turn asset to rubbish, like Zimbabwean dollar.
Thus, no matther next step to save UST or not.
NOW. must stop creating new LUNA and burn certain %(e.g 1%) in a certain period (e.g daily) to save LUNA first !!! That’s why BTC can be kept over 10k per coin for long time.


Let’s the stable coin algo do its work.
Ust will repeg.
market forces will help.
The Terra foundation should buy and burn LUNA over time in the future to reduce hyper supply.
Slowly and steady will build trust back.
And both Ust and Luna will be saved.


I think acceptable for everyone. Rare subject…

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Burning will save LUNA and could eventually cause UST to repeg.

If they go the route of a worthless fork, then it’s obviously an exit scam.


I agree.
Let’s the stable coin algo do its work.
Ust will repeg.
Market forces will help.
The Terra foundation should buy and burn LUNA over time in the future to reduce hyper supply.
Slowly and steady will build trust back.
And both Ust and Luna will be saved.
Taking a snapshot and kind of reverting the Blockchain will destroy the community credibility as transactions on Terra Blockchain should final. Always.

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Ust will repeg, maybe. Than will unrepeg maybe?.. İdk something wrong on the working scheme. Thats certain.

Yes, its the sane thing to do, with lower supply a single Luna will become viable to repeg the UST.


UST is fundamentally flawed and is never going to repeg. It is still possible to save the Terra ecosystem by buying back and burning $LUNA.


Never say never :grin: flaws can be fixed. But for sure UST holders will have to be patient to get their money back. In the meantime there are plenty of opportunities in the terra ecosystem to play with this money. Like a small country, until we can reopen borders again

UST can still repeg and a long term solution could be found.

But none of that’s gonna happen if LUNA doesn’t get burnt to push up the price.