USTC Incremental Repeg, Buybacks, Staking, Swaps

@arunadaybasu Clearly you are somebody who hasn’t dealt with exchanges or businesses for that matter. We are not the only blockchain out there, just because we pass a signal vote does not mean that all the CEXs are going to drop everything and come cater to our every whim. We will not harass them and risk our ecosystem further. I expect discussions to take a number of weeks, and I will not be rushed by you!

On to your second point. It still stands. Your prop is fundamentally flawed by backing fiat assets 1:1 with crypto assets. When bull turns to bear you will not have enough assets to back the peg.

This is the second time you’ve came and had a rant in this discussion. If you were nicer in how you deal with people you’d go a lot further and people might be willing to help. .


Clearly, I am not the one who said I am gonna deal with the exchanges.

So the questions are being asked to you, not to me.

Your prop has passed, not mine. I do not think you aware yet or have done anything about it.

If you have, why don’t you share the proof of that?

Why are you beating around the bush? Say that you haven’t done anything yet.

One more thing. You sound like someone I know.

I don’t need to tell you what happened to this prop :upside_down_face:

You will still my comments on that thread like the last few feathers sticking out of a de(ad crow on the road.

P.S. Are you talking to CZ directly? If not, why don’t you have an answer yet from any of the 20-30 exchanges that there are? Not even one has replied to you? No one has said absolutely anything?

Not even Kucoin who could see that vote, and did not vote on it?

You have appointed TGF to do this job. Do you know that TGF has NOT done their own job till now? I hope you are aware what they were given money to do and what they have done with it. If you are sure that TGF will be able to do that work (I don’t know how are you sure about this even) then why don’t you ask them for an update and share that update here like a.e used to do for the multisig wallet until Jimmy took it away? You’ve asked Marco right? Marco knows Binance people? Then why couldn’t they do something with a NGO and money if they knew so many people?

Or have you asked Ed, and are referring to Ed as TGF?

Considering how much I know the community by now, I think that’s exactly what you have done.

Otherwise please name among Marco and Jagmot who have you contacted? Cause Jagmot is not a regular member of TGF. He’s just a wallet signer. Marco is the only one in TGF right now. I hope you know.

You asked Marco to do this work, who couldn’t even explain himself in an AMA and cr(ashed an entire proposal? Were you here when all this was happening or are you aware about these things? Have you seen a thread called “TGF Transparency” here on Agora till now?

Pretty sure it’s Redline that will be contacting CEXs as mentioned in the prop no?


Basically he’s not doing anything. He’s told Ed (not even Marco) to do it.

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fair, I dunno sounds like a little uncertainty and doubt. The proposal has been in the works for while so it’s not like nothing is happening… It’s probably best to wait for a bit and push for confirmation in a couple of weeks.


Same as I said in that other proposal. We pass USTC repeg and ask them.

If you bombard CEXs with requests (no matter how good or bad or profitable) they get bored and stop helping.

I think people forget we are not the only chain building.


I know you are aware that was Ed and Marco who got in touch with Binance before, in the matters of fulfilling Binances demands regarding minting back their voluntary burns, arent you ? I know you are aware that TGF applied to be funded by Binance innovation program, aren’t you ?!?

So, If Ed and Marco managed to build any kind of trust with Binance, it’s expected someone to seek their help in regards of Redline’s prop. That doesn’t mean he is doing nothing. After all, they are (were) responsible for the chain developments for the last quarter (Ed has been doing it since the crash) and any changes would have to go through them.

Also, thing won’t happen in anyone’s pace besides CEXes. They probably need to read Redline’s prop and come up with some test algo to see if it’s doable. There is no use rushing matters that are not in Redline’s hands to control. It just helps to keep Redline under fire the whole time.

Being friendly here: You need to chill on this task you put on yourself of overseeing every single development of the ecosystem. You’re really acting like Rabbi and co when you do that.

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You gotta be kidding me :sunglasses::wine_glass: Cheers!

It’s all over Twitter.

I know you have that “childhood destroyed” feeling right now.

It’s just that “I” am not the one fu(d)ding around when I already know things. I don’t need to. I am not that desperate.

I think should be 3-10 times assets over for back up.

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He’s not even correct with that.

This is what he said.

This is yesterday’s comment on that thread from me:

He didn’t even read it. Why would he? When it directly cla)shes with his prop.

It’s evident who is fu(dding about who’s prop.

P.S. I don’t even have the word fiat in the plan.

No I’ve read your post, I stand by my statement, it’s still fundamentally flawed. I’ve explained why, it doesn’t matter how many backups you have it matters how much collateral you have, and at 1:1 you don’t have enough there’s no two ways about it.

TGF are the people with contact with the CEXs so they are arranging the meetings, if you’ve contacts with the CEXs that will have those meeting with us immediately please share them and I’ll begin the discussions. Otherwise stop wasting everyone’s time.

I also have to question your motivations, every prop you put up involves you getting paid. Your props don’t address any of the issues we have or help recover holders. With your current prop you say you’ll get 10m investment but you cant even get 30k to put your idea into action. I work full time and am doing this work on top of that, I don’t have time to be dealing with this idiocy. I’ve been professional
and considerate with you at all times, you on the other hand have showed me a complete lack of respect. You evidently have spent some time on your proposal which is why I’ve been courteous, and explained its flaws so you can look to address them, even after your constant attacks on me. But my patience is wearing thin, so if you want to continue attacking me, I will start to dissect and tear apart your proposal publicly and prove you don’t know what you’re talking about. Good Luck passing any proposal after that!

How you are currently acting is completely unprofessional and I fear you’d act in exactly the same manner if you were to work on the chain. Your manner alone would make me vote against your props/ having you as a representative of the chain, and I’m sure there’s plenty of the community would feel the same.


Stop beating around the bush and diverting questions.

Your entire wall of text was BS apart from one sentence.

This is your reply to this?

You are essentially misleading the community currently saying that you are doing anything.

While YOU are not the one doing it. TGF is.

And read my wall of text here:

I know you have read it and slyly avoided any and ALL of the qns asked here.

Don’t throw that muck at me when YOU have contacted an inept organisation to do your job that you could not do yourself.

Whatever I am, at least I do my work myself. And my prop is a testimony to that. I don’t require inadequate and non-trustworthy helpers and assistants to do my work.

Dear ReadlineDrifter,

Your willingness to engage in constructive discussions and ask important questions has helped us make informed decisions that align with our shared goals.

In contrast, I’ve noticed that arunadaybasu has been aggressive and disrespectful in his interactions with you. While it’s essential to consider all proposals, I believe that his behavior has been counterproductive to our community’s values and it is taking much of our time.

Furthermore, I appreciate that you have been successful in passing a great proposal through our governance, while arunadaybasu’s proposal has been rejected by our community. Your contributions have helped move our community forward, and I believe that we should continue to prioritize constructive and respectful conversations in all our interactions as you have done.

Thank you again for your efforts, and I hope that we can work together to create a positive and inclusive environment for everyone.


That was absolutely beautiful :heart: I cried.

TGF are organising the meetings, I’ll be attending those meetings and leading the discussions/negotiations on my proposal. I’m not sure how I can be any more clear than that? I’m not misleading the community, but you are by insinuating that things will happen any faster.

Are you serious? No I’m not in direct contact with CZ, do you have a direct contact to him? If so please forward the contact details. Kucoin have never voted in the history of their staking why would they vote now.

You fire it my way, I’ll fire it back! The members that make up TGF have done a huge amount for the community and you have the nerve to call them inept? What exactly have you done for the community? Nothing but create props to fund yourself. And at that your way above the market rate for India, you think people don’t realise your motivations?

Your prop is full of holes, you’d do well to spend your time addressing them instead of hassling me. TGF have the best access to the CEXs on our blockchain and are one of the few to have any dealings with them. If you have better access to the CEXs than TGF then share that access and I’ll use it. Its blatantly obvious you worked alone, your prop is testament to your lack of understanding/knowledge when it comes to collateral / liquidity or general mathematics for that matter. Its either that or your arrogance clouding your judgement.

In any case, I’ve no interest in getting pulled into a baseless arguement. I wish you the best of luck with your proposal, but I refuse to engage with you anymore, it’s a waste of my time and yours.


That’s why they gave the money back? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Cause they had done sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for the community that they gave back the money?

Who are you fooling exactly? The community? Or yourself?

Why don’t you tell the community yourself about the other posts on Agora about TGF and what people are asking them on those posts? Don’t you have the nerves to tell the community the truth? That people are asking them what they have done with the money? That people are asking them how did they take the money from us and bl(o)w it on a website and not do the work they were supposed to do? Why don’t you tell them yourself?

If you don’t have the nerves to do the right thing, it doesn’t mean I don’t have the nerves to do the right thing.

Sorry bud. I can see who you are behind. And who you are being backed by. Cause you are saying that yourself. I am not the one saying it.

Best of luck with TGF :+1:t2:

This is a complete waste of time to even talk about a free proposal. Free stuff is like this. Should have known.

You’re just giving false hope to the community. That’s all.

P.S. You don’t have a single proof of the things you are saying in the air, exactly like Marco in the AMA. No wonder you guys found each other. It’s a perfect combination I have to say.

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Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!


I forgot to mention. You asked what I have done for the community till now.

Me and Rabbi have brought close to $ 35,000-40,000 USD back to the Community Pool till now. There is more on the way. Are you blind or do you see what we are talking about on the other threads? What money do you think LBA was giving back? What money do you think TGF gave back?

Who do you think asked them to give the money back?

Now… let me ask you.

What have YOU done till now?

Given the community false hope? And a FREE Proposal?

That’s your contribution? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Drifter + Terra Grifters = USTC Repeg

That’s your equation currently and where you stand, and that is exactly what you have proposed to the community currently.

Chill out, have a beer and let fake Rabbi lead his own personal vendetta against Ed Kim, Tobias and Terra Grants Foundation.

If you are as smart as you show, you’ll see where he comes from: he has not contributed to the development of the chain (besides being disruptive to members of the community, validators and developers) and that none of his props ever get through governance (except the minimum validator fee). His actions and words smells “power grab” back and forth and only a handful few are in agreement with his actions.

So don’t try to impersonate Rabbi now. It doesn’t fit you …