Vote of "No Confidence" for the Current L1 Team

Will vote No. Enough of these political squabbles. If they fail to fulfill the stated goals for Q2, then they will be replaced.

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Changing the code without talking to the community is the worst thing that can happen.


Then let’s put my grandmother to lead the L1 team,

I wonder when you’re going to make this chain completely useless :slight_smile:

The chain is already useless. Have you checked the price over the last 6 months? Paints a pretty good picture of the current state of things.


Who specifically are you referring to? Ed, Tobby, the weasel of LBA? Which one of them are you referring to? @tarikmandal


No worries. Vinh and frag can look after themselves. The 3rd body on the L1TF is just a floor plant basically anyways.


L1 team is useless from beginning ! Only i wondering if it is time to go on with to much changes .Could be contra productive !


Sanctions for introducing code without voting should not be discussed at all. Team auto-dismiss should work


I feel the need to teach basic github development workflow here:

Any developers know that as long as the code is not on main, it will not be pushed to production. It is junior knowledge. The freeze code is on feature branch and no pull request has been created for it yet.

Want to learn more github feature branch basic:

  1. Git Feature Branch Workflow | Atlassian Git Tutorial
  2. Feature branch workflow | GitLab

Where in main that has the freeze address code? (this is the picture of main)

If Terra Allies team want to learn more about basic github usage, please feel free to reach out to me. It is very simple and every junior learns it.

I can provide a youtube link for easier learning of basic usage of github feature branch:

  1. Intro to git feature branch workflow - YouTube

If anyone reading this, send this to any of your developer friends (or first year university student majoring in cs), they will testify for you that github feature branch is a really basic github thing for junior level.


Don’t be condescending or insulting to our team Vinh by trying to paint us as incompetent or inexperienced. I can guarantee you that you will lose in that attempt, so let’s not bother going there right now, okay? We know very well how Gitflow works. We also know how to read branch names. Like the fact that your branch is literally named v1.1.0-freeze-addr. What’s that v1.1.0? The release the prop you helped with is trying to push through to validators without a software upgrade proposal and going through proper governance. Get this absolute nonsense out of here.

We’re not arguing about the code being in the main branch. In fact, we never said anything about a main branch. You did. Arguing semantics about the main branch is a false premise you’ve brought to the table now with your reply here, so we’re going to throw that false premise away because it has nothing whatsoever to do with what the community is arguing or furious about, okay? You don’t get to hide behind “It’s not in main YET, we were only going to PUSH it to main IF THE PROPOSAL WAS FORCEFULLY ADOPTED BY VALIDATORS without a software upgrade proposal so it doesn’t count YET and therefore the community can’t be mad about it, we did nothing wrong!” - it’s absolutely childish and not how professional developers act. Stop splitting hairs in order to try and protect yourself and take some damn accountability for your poor decision. The community doesn’t give a shit what branch it’s in. That’s what you’re failing to see here.

What the community is furious about is the fact that the code was written and exists in the “canonical” codebase at all. If this was a “feature” (that the community never approved to be written, I’ll add) that was being done outside of L1 development time that the community has paid for because you wanted to embark on your own initiatives, why didn’t you fork the repo to your own personal Github, make the changes there, and then submit a pull request like everyone else does so people can review and comment on it and determine whether it’s worth being added to the codebase? You know how git works after all, it’s something junior developers learn, don’t they?

I’ll say it again. If it’s not paid work that the community has signed off on why are you putting these changes in the “canonical” codebase at all (doesn’t matter which branch it is) when you could (and should) be forking to your own personal repos for your own initiatives that have nothing to do with what the L1 Team has been mandated by the community to do?

Arguing semantics on the main branch when you’ve got a prop up that is trying to rush the cutting of a release that includes the inclusion v1.1.0-freeze-addr feature branch in question, without doing a software upgrade proposal and proper governance because of an artificially created sense of urgency, just shows how much you’re not acting in the chain’s best interests here.

I’ll say it again. You’re trying to avoid accountability for your bad decision by hiding behind technicalities that have no bearing on the wider issue in question and I’m not going to let you do that.

I’m truly disappointed in this response from you, Vinh. Do better.


I am glad that there are still people looking out for the little guy. I had suspicion towards L1 but I did not have any bias towards @fragwuerdig or @nghuyenthevinh2000 . But the fact they refuse to admit any wrong and actually try to deflect onto others fighting for justice for the common LUNC holder is truly disgusting, unexcusable behavior.


So you’re okay with the current L1 team that just pulled a scam with TerraPort stealing millions from investors staying and working(not working and getting paid) on the Lunc blockchain? What is so mentally wrong with some people. Not hard to see who’s pathetic.


please put your proposal up for discussion, I will be happy to vote no with a veto.

I even lost my support on the proposal you asked for a few days ago.

You don’t know how to lose, trying to take down L1 by dirty methods, you’re a cancer for lunch.

Condescending griefter, I just read Aru’s latest post about the IBC, YOU HAVEN’T DONE ANYTHING…



My dear old friend. If I am not mistaken, you and I go back to around April when the 1273 proposal initiated the “Community” that later formed the TR. I believe we ended up on a separate ends of the discussion here, which is sad to see. I also had all the best faith in Vegas, Ed and Zaradar when they selflessly formed TR. I realised, after a few tough lessons, that these good times of bonding and full transparency of these early days are over. It would take days to analyse all this in detail, but long story short - the current setup we have is corrupt and the foundations of this corruption go back to to the early days as well. You surely recall that staking was re-enabled after a ‘deal’ was struck with the pre-crash validators tongive them a few month monopoly on delegations in exchange for NEW validators to even be allowed on chain. Sadly, this continues to this day. Backroom deals and going above our heads.
I myslef have not realised until recently. I hope you do as well. Please see this thread and notice how many thing inwide the TGF do not really add up. Also I hope you give Bilbo more trust since so far - he has been nothing but right in his judgement.


If they fail to fulfill the stated goals for Q2? They already got paid for Q1 and only completed 65% of the work and are billing for work in Q2 that was completed in Q1(double billing). What don’t people get about this current L1 team being thieves.


You are the true cancer here. If the L1 team gets their backdoor blacklisting codes into production, the chain is done. Parity will mean nothing. And being a part of Alliance will mean nothing because no one in the Cosmos will come to the chain. And this is what you support. Either you are that ignorant on what is going on or you must hold the TerraPort token. If you care for your investments in lunc, you need to support this prop with a YES vote.

Are you okay with paying for efforts that should have been completed in Q1?

Btw, Ed is no longer a part of the L1 team. Just FYI. Is Superman back? Where is he? Tell me when he is really back and working otherwise, you folks should not claim that he is back,

The current L1 team have is not even complete. Which means we currently do not have a L1 team. The qtr is 1/3 complete.


I’m glad you remember me.

There have been many fights, unfortunately agreements will always exist and this will never end.

Remember that CEO of luna paid for validators to vote in favor of the fork?

You remember that Allnodes was one of the few validators to vote against the fork.

Now I ask you, what did the community do to punish the validators who sold their votes to Luna’s CEO? I reply they did nothing keep betting their lunc with them even though they are corrupt.

I was even supporting Bilbo, but blaming the code to L1 is too much for me.

zaradar is an excellent programmer as well as jacob but both want to be famous ended up getting lost.

you know what makes me most upset is the person accusing TR. by blow, if they thought it was wrong why they voted for the proposal then, just say no as is the case with the blacklist code now.

the proposal are for that to say no or yes.

remember every human being is driven by interests there is no one holy.

As is the case with Bilbo now, wanting to overthrow L1 so he can take over, if he doesn’t agree with the proposal he just has to vote no, now what he does is low game, dirty play like many others have done and will do to be the center of attention.

I had initially agreed to the blacklist code as I have invested about 50K, after seeing the arguments of some I agree to vote no even though I have funds invested in the project.


This proposal was made at the request of the community, including mine. I personally asked @Bilbo for this because I know he will do it better. I don’t know what your problem with him is.