Exporting Transactions / Wallet History

As a major supporter of the Terra ecosystem, we at Flipside Crypto would greatly welcome the opportunity to use some sort of application or tool that allows for the exporting of transaction activity relating to our Bounty and Treasury wallets.

If such software, applications, or tools already exist today, please do let us know(!!!) - otherwise, we would embrace such a solution with open arms.

For context, it has been very difficult to track our treasury activity within the ecosystem - Terra, Mirror and Anchor - which extends across swaps, yield farming, borrowing, staking, LP’ing, etc.

This will only become more difficult with our upcoming bounty campaigns via Community Enabled Analytics.

As an institution, it is critically important that we have proper accounting mechanisms in place to monitor our business activities - and we imagine others may be in a similar position.

Help wanted :slight_smile:


That will be great! Let’s hope the Terra team will respond to your request!

hi! there are a few things in the works:

  1. Terra Station
  2. stake.tax
    and 3) trackterra.org

a bigger issue you’ll have (personally, #2 is the best by far), is that tax tracking apps like Koinly don’t even support the tokens and functionality of Anchor etc, so yeah, it’s a tough one.

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