Multi-signature wallet discussion

Proposal 10936 - Update 2:

Vegas wanted to pass along that the current multi-signature wallet signers have confirmed from their end that the assets were derived from the Terra v1 community pool in the following proposals:

This does not negate the need for the attorney’s legal opinion, nor any research that the attorney, or the new signers, would require or request. The attorney’s legal opinion is part and parcel of the proposal (and will only be as good as the research concerning the assets that undergird the circumstances surrounding the assets that the legal opinion relied upon in determining any outstanding claims or liabilities as part of its legal analysis).

However, this information provided by the current multi-signature wallet signers will be immensely helpful for the attorney, and for this process. Thank you to the current multi-signature wallet signers who helped to confirm this information.

I hope you each have a great day today :slight_smile:

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