Network Security Proposal: Tombstone AllNodes-Compromised LUNC Validators That Refuse To Remake Their Validators & Validator Wallets

Rabbi, how are you! It’s been a long time :grin:. It seems you have been very busy with your shenanigans. :zap:

I have told you many times my dear Rabbi, You will reap Your Sowing. The Truth will push to come to the Light. :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :star: :star: :star:

And this is what is happening. The people who have wanted to deceive the community, and all those who have supported such proposals, are reaping their own sowing. I warned you to go on the right path and to try to sow the good. Otherwise, it would affect you.

Time is scarce… and it is necessary to dedicate it to things that are really important for the community… But I will mention just a few points:

  • :ballot_box_with_check: No one can force people to choose their representatives (the validators in this case). If a validator is really doing well, people will want to support him and give them their coins. On the other hand, if the validator is not doing well, people will delegate their coins to another validator.

  • :ballot_box_with_check: The security mentioned here as “catastrophic” is not. For the same reason as above. If other minor validators “trust” the infrastructure of another major validator, it is because this validator will have done things right for this to happen. Otherwise, they can each create their own node somewhere else and that’s it. They make a new one, explain what happened to the community that supports it, and they remove the one they have with the AllNodes infrastructure. Simple.

  • :ballot_box_with_check: But you and your team want something else. To grow not by merit, but by force and deceit. This is not very consistent with people who claim to follow the designs of God. Isn’t it?

I leave these links of your recent past of other proposals. Where you can clearly see the deceptions, falsehoods, attacks and manipulations towards the community (with a lot of evidence). And here the same is done. Whoever wants to educate himself… Go ahead!

It seems that the version (v4) of Rabbi and his team’s proposal has been deleted. There I had described 13 points in summary of all Rabbi’s shenanigans. Luckily I was able to rescue an important point from that analysis where he exposes the lie and planned deception. :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

:warning::alarm_clock: And reXx continues later… but watch carefully what Rabbi says.

reXx™ - Today at 2:04 AM.
That’s up to the community and ultimately the community’s responsibility to obtain those funds. Terra Rebels should not be involved at all, this includes being a multisig key holder as it is a conflict of interest.

Rabbi Jebediah Shekelstein - Today at 2:10 AM

:scream: ***No proposal nominating non-TR members as potential multisig holders will pass. Ever.***No one in the community trusts Bob Random and Jane Doe to handle $2M+ in the community’s name. It’s just not gonna happen. People even complain about TR handling those funds :scream: , let alone some other folks :ear::eyes: who no one knows about (even if they’re doxxed).

That is, Rabbi, and its support team, are proposing the TR people in his proposal (despite their constant rejection) because otherwise, no one would read it. And therefore, it would NOT be approved.

What is intends then, is to appear to support TR (in the present proposal) knowing in advance that they cannot accept such funds. But they continue to do so in order to get the proposal approved and thus get the funds from the community outside of Cadena.

It is clear then, the objective that this type of proposal without details and with multiple inconsistencies pursues. To get the funds regardless of the means used to do so. Wouldn’t this be a real deception towards the community?

:writing_hand: Finally, I give you some food for thought and a path.

Rabbi and team:

:purple_circle: 1. Remember, you ARE FREE, no one is holding you back. YOU CAN FREELY GO where you wish.
:purple_circle: 2. If many of us in the community are fools, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?
:purple_circle: 3. If many of the community are “anti-Semites”, WHY ARE THEY STILL HERE?
:purple_circle: 4. If many in the community WANT TO TAKE ANOTHER WAY, from the ones you propose, WHY ARE THEY STILL HERE?

There is still time! If the CHAIN IS IN DANGER, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE. You can sell all your coins and buy others. AND GO TO A PLACE WHERE THEY FEEL SAFE. Right? :thinking: :yum: :yum:

Otherwise, the whole community should reflect on the following: :question: :question: :question:


:seedling: Final reflection. :seedling:

This proposal, like so many others by the same author and team, aims at greater chain centrality. And they need to undermine the validators who have helped to get the chain on its feet and who are doing things right. Therefore, they deceive and use social manipulation methodologies to achieve their ends. Since by themselves, by their own effort and merit, they cannot do it. I leave you a link where I expose this type of manipulation techniques. And each thing that is said in the 12 points can be checked in each of the answers and comments of Rabbi and his team.

Rabbi, Sow well, remember that. Have a good life, you and your team.

As I have said before. The truth will always push to come to light. :star:

Namaste :sunny: :sunny:


Unfortunately, great manipulators have always existed throughout history. But also now. They are many and they are everywhere

Manipulators are covert aggressors who use their influence over others to get rich, get promoted, enjoy benefits or avoid a job. They all have one thing in common: they are experts in camouflage, seduction and deception.

1- In general, all great manipulators have become experts in the art of seduction. They have learned that a quick and effective way to gain power over others is to feign interest in their needs and desires. So that’s what they do.

2- Something that undoubtedly characterizes these people is their great oratory skills. The experts in tricksters develop these abilities to the maximum. And they culminate their art by getting their victims to give in to their desires, convincing them of the powerful reasons that justify their actions, and that they do not want to take advantage of them, even if they are harmed. In their technique they always tend to allude to reasons of solidarity, the common good or the need for justice, but they tend to omit that they are the ones who benefit.

3- They handle the role of victim to perfection. They know that it is a very effective tool to make others give in. In the trickster’s discourse, allusions aimed at giving pity are frequent.

4- They often offer to represent the interests of the group. Thus, behind the appearance of working for the good of others, many hide selfish purposes and desire for power. They often ask for support for a position or offer to speak on our behalf with the bosses. Beware of those who offer to save us. Their ends may not be so noble. They almost always ask for something in return: votes, money, some work. Politicians, cult leaders, tele-preachers, visionaries. They all employ similar tactics; but we do not learn.

5- Undoubtedly, another of the qualities that professional manipulators develop the most is their extraordinary ability to make others feel guilty. They know that guilt provokes submission. Especially in those with more awareness and sensitivity towards others. That is why they usually choose them as victims; they are more vulnerable. To trick them, it will be enough to suggest that they are necessary to avoid harm and they will say things like: “If I don’t finish the job, they will throw me out”. They will quickly feel bad and offer to help. By blaming their victims, they will cover up their true intentions: to make a profit for themselves.

6- They employ covert intimidation tactics. It has been found that the language of these people is often riddled with indirect, implied or subtle threats.

7- Other times they employ subtle sarcasm to generate doubt. Provoking lack of confidence is an effective way of gaining dominance over others.

8- It is common to disarm the victim by convincing him/her to be underestimated by others. It makes him feel helpless. It will then be easy to convince him to delegate everything to the trickster.

9- Blaming others is also one of the most used techniques by this type of undercover aggressors. They are experts in finding scapegoats. Sometimes they do it subtly. Other times in the clear. Politics offers us every day a new lesson on how to use this tool effectively.

10- Sometimes they are suspected or their actions are reproached. Then it is common for them to “play dumb” to justify not paying attention to the needs and feelings of others.

11- If they are openly incriminated, they will demonstrate that they are experts at changing the subject and dodging compromising questions. To detect a trickster we must keep this in mind.

12- Finally, as expected, it has been shown that they are very prone to lie and almost always by omission. They do not usually make up stories but distort crucial aspects of the truth or simply forget them. They are recognized because they tend to give many turns when answering and use the non-verbal language of those who hide something, especially in the face of direct questions.

Those people who have real inner work and self-awareness will never be influenced by such tricks. They will only show it. And nothing else.

Currently, you are in stage 10, 11 and 12.

The truth always pushes to come out in the light of the facts!!!

Sow the good and you will reap the good. Remember that.

:pray: :pray: :pray: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:


None of that has anything to do with this current proposal. :man_facepalming:

But I commend your effort! Must’ve taken a while to put together. :thinking:

Too bad no one’s gonna read any of it. :upside_down_face:

Shalom! :pray:

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:blush: You are quick to read Rabbi. In 3 minutes, I already have an answer from you.

Thanks for responding so quickly! :pray:

I always appreciate your comments so much. They help a lot, for the community to wake up. Your own words and actions are a blessing. Unfortunately, you choose the bad sowing for you and your people.

It seems your mission is that. Awakening through showing deception and manipulation. It is a heavy function for your soul. But I thank you for it. :neutral_face:

I hope someday you can change to the good sowing, and thus achieve the happiness you so long for in your heart, helping others in a selfless way. And without looking for your own benefit.
:lotus: :lotus: :lotus:

May the God who created this world and the entire universe guide your steps and those of your team towards the good. :sunny: :star: :raised_hands:

Big hug.

:pray: :sunny:


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 16 hours.

Nah, you’re one of the few people whose replies I automatically skip. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t even skim them most of the time. :man_shrugging: They’re just that pointless and warped. :upside_down_face:

But have fun sending me these love letters, I’mma get back to enjoying the weekend with my family.

My in-laws love you though (as a clown), we all had a good laugh at your expense. :joy:

Shalom my goy! :pray:

:seedling: Lies can’t last long… in your case… very short. :sunny: :lotus:

You are still lying… hahaha… :grin: :sunny: :sunny:

You keep sowing wrongly… :seedling: :rock:

I finished posting and you started posting 3-4 minutes after that. And finally within 10 minutes of me posting you posted your reply.… hahaha… :grin: :grin: :grin: unless it is your clone that has replied for you so fast… :nerd_face:

:eyes: This is easy to check… to everyone in the community please note on every post, the date and time of the post :writing_hand:… and you will realize who is lying again…

It is very easy to find out your lies… false Rabbi. :performing_arts:

Your lies speak of the type of person you are and that of your team… No one in this dear community can trust a liar like you and all your team that is with you….

You only seek to deceive to profit from the ignorance of many.

What a pity. You are sinking lower and lower. :ocean: :ocean: :ocean:

:writing_hand: Evidence of yet another lie :face_with_monocle:

:sunny: day and time of my publication :point_down: :point_down:

:no_entry: day and time of publication of the false (and lying) Rabbi. :point_down: :point_down:

:eyes: :eyes: You can see for yourselves by clicking on what is marked in red. :sunny: :sunny: :point_down: :point_down:

:stop_sign: Description of a fake Rabbi

:warning: You are a real manipulator of psychiatry or psychology books. It can be seen in all your comments.

:writing_hand: Now you are simply implementing points 10 and 12 to perfection. And everything is proven by your own words. You can’t help it, it’s part of you. Being a con man, manipulator and liar. For a person like you it is understandable. Your unconscious is betraying you at every turn. :grin:

Remember. Sow good and this is what you will reap. :innocent:

The truth always pushes to come out in the light of the facts!!! :sunny: :sunny:

:pray: :pray: :sunny: :sunny:


Going to vote no on the fake rabbi.


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I know you believe all the crap you post here makes sense, but it doesn’t. :man_shrugging:

I’m gonna stop making fun of you because you seem to be suffering from serious issues.

I hope you find the help you need. Namaste! :pray:

P.S. The pics you posted only confirm what I said before.

If you’re gonna sockpuppet at least try to make it look believable!

“Fake rabbi”, lmao. Y’all really need some new material.

Shalom! :pray:

I already said it, things will change when the vote is unitary. All blockchains will be forced to be more decentralized and give power to the community and not to the validators

I’m not sure what you mean. :man_shrugging:

Mind explaining it a bit more?

Shalom! :pray:

If a validation system were used to authenticate the wallets so that there is no fraudulent use and multiple votes for each user.
People can only vote if their wallet has some kind of soulbound token, an identifier like the interchain name service.
This way you don’t need the power of validators. Which seems absurd to me due to the high level of centralization and the power that a few have and not the community.

@Vendrugo ~

Equally Shared Governance Protocol

I like the idea of using existing (official ~ example: passport or driver’s license) data that identifies people to create a unique wallet that gets one vote in the governance process and then that data gets disconnected from the unique wallet it created while keeping shards of the data; just enough to prove if the unique identity already created a unique wallet…

That identifying data (disconnected from the unique wallets it created) should then be stored in a secure area protected by zero-knowledge proof, to prevent specific identities from creating more than one wallet. ‘If’ someone got access to that left-over data (that has been disconnected from the associated wallets) they wouldn’t know what data links to what wallet.

The PoS system would become the prover using the remaining, disconnected data to prevent one ID from having multiple wallets (votes).

Also, since we all need to use an ID to convert national currencies (securities) into crypto, and all transactions are stored in historic blocks (wallet addresses and funds ~ the ledger) on the blockchain, backtracking leads to every crypto-owners’ ID. There will only be full privacy when people can get crypto on-chain without using private, centrally owned currencies (securities).

By allowing a unique ID one unique wallet that gives that ID a single governance vote (validator wallets ineligible for a voting wallet ~ Validators need to have personal (ID verified) wallets to vote), we’ll move a step closer to full decentralization.

Validators should focus solely on proving the truth of data, storing it in blocks, and earning rewards (with those who fuel them, delegators). Leave the governance to the People, equally shared.


At that point it’d be simpler to just allow direct voting and remove validators from the equation altogether. But honestly that’s beyond the scope of this proposal (feel free to develop your idea and post it on the Agora here, you might spark an interesting conversation).

Shalom! :pray:

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This proposal has gone up on the Station, it’s currently in the funding stage: prop 11376

Shalom! :pray:

voting yes on this fo sho

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how about tombstone any validator that is set on hosting services?

Proposal at the funding stage is it? In the past fake Rabbi of the former Terra Rebels at least had the small change to bring it to the vote… I guess the TR xmas goose payout has been spent already? F off already Rabbi looser we don’t need your poison we support our validators.

Let’s finally Tombstone fake rabbi


Just look at these idiots go with their spam proposals. Is it a surprise a proposal from Jacob the guy who quit L1 to spread his poison and Rabbi or should we say TR who has a bone to pick… aimed at putting our validators out of business.

This must yet be the most blatant attack on the Luna Classic Community with their history of agression and betrayal starting to mount up to the very obvious. Yeah Rabbi back in the days when you and your buddies tried to steal the multi sig wallet millions at least you still had enough backing to scrape together the money for a proposal.

An easy no with veto for you bunch of crooks. As usual this community is way ahead of your scheming and will stop you like always. Looking forward to the day when Lunc has cleansed itself of Notional Labs, Terra Robbers and the rest of the scum.

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Yup. :+1:

Dunno, I was never a part of TR, nor did I get any money from them. :man_shrugging:

How are they “your” validators. Do you own them? Operate them? Pray to them? :upside_down_face:

Good luck, I’m here for the long haul! :joy:

Jacob had nothing to do with this prop, and neither did TR. As for the validators, yeah, those that put the chain at risk should be put out of business! That’s how things work in the real world.

Take your meds. :upside_down_face:

Well then it’s good the multi-sig was saved by Vegas and the money sent to the community pool! Oh wait… :joy: :joy: :joy:

This community is full of braindead cattle like yourself who wouldn’t know a helping hand if it slapped them across the face. Be glad your goals align with my own and that I’m working for everyone’s benefit.

Sorry, I’m not affiliated with any of those groups. :man_shrugging:

Stay mad! :joy: :wink: :kissing_heart:

Shalom! :pray: