[Proposal] BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction 💊 [PART I]

100% agree with you

Yes, Man…

Added as you wanted

Great idea, I support this proposal

This is the best proposal and is not even pinned. The one pinned is the one from @dokwon that at this point should resign or asked to leave. He will go to jail no matter what. I mean did you read that proposal ? How did he even come up with these percentages ? Is there some math behind ? I mean the only math or analysis seems to be that they sum up to 100%. But really how did he choose say 10% and not 12% ? Just redistribution of money from investors based on random numbers ???


Too bad leader and team for this community. Community work harder than team. They lost our money and they’ll go jail for fraud…

Many thanks and god speed.

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Np this proposal is a meld of the ideas coming from the community ;p

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Yes and we can see that you read the other proposals and have taken input into yours.

From the late community who bought at 0.0001 and never heard of luna and tefi before depeg*

thanks me later for correction

Maybe Implement 5% tax mechanism for LUNA
a. 2% will be burn
b. 2% goes to LFG for buying UST
c. 1% goes to LFG for rebuild reserves

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Problem is how are rewards handled post fork?

Right now, I believe rewards are minted, and then can be sold on an exchange. The current reward rate is something like 1000%+.

Your proposal is assuming that mechanism is destroyed post fork. I don’t think so. I think they will keep bleeding the old chain and laugh at the suckers buying.

Alright people, I won’t be able to update the proposal for few days. So its better someone will make a post that will include this and new proposals and take it over. @Joe_Smith I’ve seen you active here for a long time. Could you take care of that?

Or someone else.

its not dev allocation like terra dev

its builder allocation, its for all people that helped build all terra protocol

these people arent affiliated with Terra, TFL only own Anchor and Mirror

its necessary to airdrop the new fork supply to the builder so they can continue to add value to the community

(i answered the wrong people it was for @John_Does and @Mpowski )

I would love to but how can I update. I don’t think I can be editor of the thread?

I will write that there is a post with the extension and updates from the community and add a link. If you will have to go, you will find someone new and do the same.

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I’m honored, but I have obligations. I’ll stay in the wings to help as much as possible.

Someone needs to be found. I also have a job and I’m going on delegation for few days.

@bloodcurdle what do you say? ^^