[Proposal] BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction 💊 [PART I]

@Bob_C has been very vocal and contributing.

Sure. I can do. Let me create the thread.


You can create a message here, that will be updated. Admins won’t delete messages here. Threads are more often banned.

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Let’s help these guys pulling this off!!


Hello Everyone. Kindly Continue from here That’s the continuation thread from this.

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Plan “B” I like it!

Use this message to write there new ideas. Not the new thread :smiley: Its a waste to lose these stats (Views etc)

Its fork on discution :slight_smile:

got it

A fork but not a fork :wink:

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Astroport announced lunav2 migration
biggest dex on terra will be on lunav2

Luna Classic will be a ghost chain with only dumper on it

Or do it how you think is better. If you do a new thread views could double so its a good move. Do like you wanted. But change the title so people will know that this is continuation (like part II)

Good luck everyone!


I honesty think this is the best way forward, i did have a similar proposal

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I think its better if we continue in this thread…is there anyway you can add more moderators for a thread?

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Thanks for having the balls to step up to the plate. Many appreciate it.

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I can’t ;/

Thanks for the proposal and efforts, all good stuff. My 2 cents for what it’s worth.

Proposed tax rates are much too high, something lower e.g. 0.2% sell / 0.1% buy would be more realistic as a baseline, maybe 2x - 4x if rolling to a burn target.

Exact tax rates to be agreed with Binance initially (majority of current $LUNA trade), matched on-chain and negotiated with other CEX ASAP.

Baseline tax also used to fund validators and community in addition to ongoing burn.

Vague $UST compensation claims removed including potential 1% trade tax.

$UST target naturally 1.0 to restore confidence and make the most stoic of holders whole (also potentially fulfilling legal obligations).

Potential further $UST compensation to be addressed in another proposal, well considered to avoid double dipping etc.

Everyone be in the continuation thread. Please head-over for updates from community.

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Also I believe we need a separate platform where we can more easily collect and keep track of ideas as well as attract more people to the cause.

I am a moderator at a Defi alpha community on discord where we discuss upcoming Defi projects. Also have a number of luna investors over there.

If you guys like I can speak with the other moderators to create a dedicated channel for the #LunaBurnMovement