[Proposal] BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction 💊 [PART I]

please remove this shit so people don’t confuse it with real LUNA.

bumping the post

I tried deposit from binance and vote okie also you can vote multiples times too so go vote

Can anyone make some decent, properly working table or calculator to determine exactly how many tokens we get in each case? I want to know if my $100k will be worth 1 or 2 dollars…

I heard vote shows okey but does not count if you were not staking already. There is a comment about that in this thread, if you go higher up.

How many tokens do you have I can calculate for you.

OMG I just found out I have 1 “LUNA V2” in my wallet. Wtf is this?

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really? can you paste a screenshot?

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Original Luna community should be strong and build our own ecosystem and burn mechanism, we have the advantage, we just need to a strong leadership and some good investments, I am sure that this token can go up if we build around it, Investors should be looking into this for very high returns. I create this post where we can discuss more about it. Let’s stay together with the original luna and implement the burning mechanism - #9 by shoyru


Why the f.uck do I have this?

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You are the first one in history to get a Luna v-2 so I dunno why

I am so confused right now. What the F is this. 5 days ago? FIVE FREAKIN DAYS AGO? What the F

Where does Do Kwon live? I just want to invite him for some tea yeah

Either this is a fake token or they had it ready for some time


So how much do I get with this amount of luna? I bought 100k of them at $1, the remaining for about $1500

You literally get 1.3293113 v2-luna. That’s it. I think you already got your 1. So it is not worth 1 dollar even.

and if they lock 90% of your 1.3293113 v2-Luna you are lucky if you see a value worth a penny.

Lol, 100k to 1 dollar, I knew it. Thanks Kwon. I’d make more if I sold now

Another one I found