Separation of Rebel Station from TFL infrastructure

Didn’t DK freeze things to stop further destruction?

Ótima proposta meu voto é sim. Vamos pra cima galera.


I am wondering, if at this point, with all the animosity against TR, if TR might be best served by taking on upgrades Rebel Stations themselves, doing all the work and then charging people to use the interface and recoup their costs that way. This lets people pick with wallet they want to use. If they trust TFL to continue to support LUNC then good for them and those that want to use TRs product can use it or another developer can build a wallet.

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Hi @TerraRebels ,

I just wanted to register some thoughts here for consideration (more toward Terra v1 grant proposals in general, than the purposes of this specific proposal), since they are concerns that I do believe the broader Terra v1 governance should consider for project based grant community spend proposals in general.

I believe they enhance the project success of grants given from community pool spend proposals (while still recognizing that in technicality all that is required for a Terra v1 grant is a community pool spend proposal that passes governance). I also recognize that as the proposal author, it is your prerogative to weigh the merits of the proposal discussion comments in determining which comments have the merit of shaping your final proposal.

My main personal concerns are that I believe each project based grant should (as a broad outline - not every point applying to this particular proposal):

  • include a cost analysis or cost comparison (within the proposal discussion - or at least in the comments)

  • if the project is Layer 1 code based (and depending on the nature of the project, possibly Layer 2 as well), that it should include an independent code review, which includes security review as a component, that is factored into the overall price (even if by another developer within TR who has the required skill set).

  • if the project has a legal or financial impact for Layer 1, to include (arrange for) a legal review as part of the overall process near the beginning of the project (so that it can help the project know where to shift in design if needed, and helps the Terra v1 governance community know any legal implications)(does not seem to apply to these projects).

  • that instead of a block grant, that project grant proposals use a milestone approach.

    • Although I do realize that this proposal does provide for some type of review process by breaking up the costs into trenches. Each of the trenches are in themselves sub-projects that can, in a sense, stand on their own - so something like this would apply to each sub-project where it is appropriate, unless it the sub-project is near a price point the community feels comfortable with without milestones - which given TR’s standing and history this very well may be the case). Something similar to what was proposed in 10936 (although admittedly for different assets that do not yet exist in the community pool):
      • Projects where total funding sought would be equal to or greater than $30,000: It goes through 3 funding rounds based on minimum milestones (this means that the initial round seeking funding would be requested in order to complete milestone 1, which must be completed before seeking funding for milestone 2, etc.):
        • 1 ) requirements and design
        • 2 ) code complete and test ready (or appropriate project management milestone for any potential non-software development specific aspects toward Layer 1 software development or Infrastructure), and
        • 3 ) product tested, reworked, and shipped/accepted/deployed (with appropriate external best practice and security review)

I do realize that these are personal concerns, and again I recognize that no everyone will agree with them, and that as the proposal author I respect your right to shape your final proposal.

I really appreciate all that Terra Rebels has done, and is doing, in the revival process for Terra v1 - and the countless hours people associated with Terra Rebels have devoted in many different areas to help make that happen. Thank You.


I like your approach. I put things equally clearly. My own - that means responsibility but also independence and the ability to choose and to work with those who are on the same page with us. Those who will play to one side with us.
That is the only approach that businessmen and people who want to build anything stable in the future should take.
As for DK, I am not surprised at him because his colleagues, instead of extending a helping hand to him, have turned their backs on him at the most difficult times. I certainly don’t know the details But that’s what it looks like

Have our own Lunc station (not Rebel Station) with the help of AllNodes, Osmosis, and some validators we could have components LCD/FCD working the way we need them not the way someone wants to sell them to us.


To save us money, let’ copy, make adjustments to, and paste the current Terra Station into our own areas (decentralized nodes) ~ we could (and would have to) find coders to do that and fund it all with the 150ku$d the rebels wanted for their wallet… I think this community owns that Terra Station anyway.

we can also design the following idea:


It’s a great idea to do it in a package, of course, step by step without unnecessary haste and never under stress. The money should be spend a wisely, reasonably and prudently - always. We have a good direction, I belive this idea !

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isn’t it exactly what TR are proposing to do? there is only the name that is rebel station instead of terra station?

I am thinking about putting the community (all individual nodes) in complete control… is that what the rebels would do? I haven’t seen any of the details for their plan…

as far as i undertand, they want to put the underlaining infra into the hand of the community. and allow anyone to create their own client to interact with it; rebel station would be one maintained by TR.

@echel0n, could you confim if i am right or wrong on this?

It would be nice to see the complete (detailed) plan… are the Rebels creating a decentralized wallet or centralized one?

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@Guillaume_L The underlining infra is not something you just clone and spin up, to run station you need LCD/FCD endpoints, and to run those properly you need proper equipment spec’d out to scale, just starting cost bare min is around 10k monthly, then you need to factor in maintenance and having people on standby to jump in if shit hits the fan, if the infra was to be put in the hands of someone not capable of that it could lead to disaster, it’s not something you just spin up in your basement with your gaming rigs.


Maybe the whole design needs to be rethought… A different understanding is necessary… we should be able to construct a dapp that can house the entire Classic layer inside it and be duplicated onto all devices the dapp is installed onto (updated constantly - all nodes communicating when online)…

The magic of the blockchain is compression… we need a decentralized wallet (dapp) that is duplicated across all nodes/devices and all activity is continuously mirrored across all that are online ~ and those not online get the updated when they connect.

Each mobile device or desktop can power the whole thing (self sustaining reflections of continuous compressed data).

If that’s the Rebel’s plan, then I support it fully (that’s good for all).

Let It Loose!

More detail here:

The problem I have with the Rebels is their lack of detail. Trust them bro?

All I see are vague proposals asking for large amounts of cash… thanks for turning the critical switches back on ~ now let it loose!

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just so your aware but dapps utilize the LCD endpoints already, and station/finder uses FCD, FCD requires a backend database which takes up well over 5TB of space.

Compress the ‘live’ data more and then infinity and continuously mirror it across all devices… All devices push it out and authorized pushes are pulled in to all devices… delete old data from dapps - keep that old data in the blocks.

If we can design a stable core and let it loose (purely decentralized) ~ we’ll be the best. Plus, we can create a fee-free stable coin (dependent on Lunc (fees/taxes) for validations) that the masses will love.

thank you for taking the time to answer.
honestly,with all the work you have already done since may i trust TR to do what it takes to make us safe. but apparently a lot of people need more than trust to make a decision.
The problem i see here is the majority doesn’t understand how it works; i mean, i try to educate myself on these matters and even then i don’t fully understand how it works.
So i can immagine how lost some people can be when they are not trying to learn.
personally i get what you say and agree with the cost you put out. still i think people’s overall sentiment would be better with just some more clarification and explanation
for example, apparently terra station used endpoints provided by allnodes yesterday for a short time. so, could we use some of the existing trusted validators to run those lcd/fcd endpoints longterm?(i don’t even know if it is technically possible) is there something more to be aware of concering endpoints? why the need to reverse engineer tfl API’s?
sorry if those seems like supid questions, i’m just trying to get the big picture

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the terra station is not something that is really urgent at the moment. Also taking into account that Terra will include Lunc in the new station. The money is not in the wallet. The wallet is only for viewing data and making transactions. It simply gives you access and power over the data of a certain address in your possession.
People also have other wallets as an alternative


Thank you everyone for your comments and consideration of our spend proposal. The proposal is now up for voting on Rebel Station and Terra Station:

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