Solution for 4m$ of assests and devs funding

  1. Swap those assets for Lunc.
  2. Create Node (Devs funding Node) and stake that amount of Lunc there. Node would not vote on any proposal because of conflict of interest.
  3. Use rewards for devs funding.

That way we keep those 4m$ for future, support the ecosystem and we get 20%+ apy for devs salaries.

If there is more funding needed that can be done through grants funded from community pool. Of course we would vote on that.

20% from 4m$ is 800k$. So I assume we can pay a yearly salary to 5 devs? Exstra rewards can be payed from community pool.


The right decision is to stake community assets.
High profitability will finance any necessary developments.
And this decision aligns well with the decision to send any newly discovered funds to the community pool.

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NO, that money must go to the community or be burned. In both cases it will benefit the entire community. But it is the community that must decide what to do with that money.

do not touch this money until the community has proposed working several projects with business plans and models and which are approved by the community

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My dear friends, of course We have to waiting for a the community has made worked about projects with business plans. If we hurry with it, we might miss the opportunity to do something important.

Basically, you are saying that devs should be paid through the oracle pool.
Terrible idea…

Send a Message to the Crypto-industry

Burn the 4+million :fire: ~ send a message to the crypto-world that will help us get to 10 billion - our current goal (remember?)…