Many people here aren’t developers. Hence, when investors can’t entirely comprehend the subject matter, they read the person behind the proposal instead.
So far, you’re showing a lack of EQ. Even if the proposal is sound, you’re basically telling everyone here that you do not have the maturity to execute it.
I have nothing against you, so, all the best to your proposal.
Yea - but these non developers will be doing something extremely important - VOTING.
So, based on your current behavior - your dumbass proposal is never passing brah - 100% agree with LacunaC.
And as LacunaC said (paraphrasing) - you lack EQ… and as I have always said and still maintain - you are retarded.
I will just leave this here for the validators today. It’s actually a recommendation list
If you wanna go to another chain to use a stablecoin, then the list is right here
If you wanna see another community and another validator set reap the benefits and take the gas fees of having a stablecoin on chain, then please, go and use the coins above. Be my guest Cheers!
If you wanna see a stablecoin with a $ 50 billion market cap on Terra Luna Classic then this is the proposal you need to vote for.
It’s quite simple really. Not very complicated that you need to read through hundreds of pages.
The choice is yours. Whatever you decide for the community is gonna be YOUR decision.
People who voted No should come up with a plan before voting No. At least someone is making an effort. Sorry, I don’t see any repeg idea besides telling CEX to manipulate the price. We should come together and figure it out and not attack the idea of other people. I am just saying.
This is a good proposal to bring some life to Lunc and I like that it is not US centric. It can be implemented alongside other USTC repeg proposals and is focused in the largest populated country in the world.
Can we just get this done please, as Lunc is going down the toilet from inactivity and lack of progress.
I agree wholeheartedly, we have one clown on here who bags the crap out of proposal after proposal without offering any assistance or ideas. just saying.
For some weird reason you are trying to show that I am att(acking his prop.
That won’t work cause I am not doing that.
I am doing my own work.
And he should share what he is doing, with the community, cause he posted a prop to get the community involved in this.
If my prop passed, then to update the community daily about my progress is my responsibility, otherwise the community has every right to slander me here and post a prop to disqualify me from my employment with the community.
Hahahha No no this has nothing to do with them. Though being responsible is not something that developers are good at. If there are external entities or individuals who are questioning the development teams then I think that is good for the chain. If people of other professions can work so much for so little money, then we can also put in a bit extra for the community. That is expected if you are doing community work. If we take this professionally then we will only put in like 2-4 hours a day for this, which might be enough for a laid back chain, but not for such an active community as Terra Luna Classic.
There is one more thing I wanted to say (I have something to say all the time ).
A couple of things actually.
The first thing is that I am still building for the LUNC community since I am already gonna publish the lunc dashboard in some time; I am making this payment app called Terra Pages; and I am also making a separate wallet with original code so that we do not need to rely upon either TS or RS for maintenance, etc. Everything is already open source so that it can be maintained by others. The dashboard I am gonna publish is already there on my GitHub and I’ll add the readme, etc as well so that it can be maintained completely open source. The only thing which is not open source yet is the trading bot, which might not be in the future as well.
Apart from this, the first thing that I will be working on for this plan is the swap functionality. I have thought about a way to do it using liquidity pools. Let’s see if that works. If it does, then I will make it available for the entire community a couple of months later. Yeah, I will take fees on using that since I have no other way to maintain the Dex apart from development fees.
Most members in the community do not understand how much in INR it took to even upload the prop for voting. That’s a big deal considering my currency is 82 times lesser than a dollar. This was the basis for this plan actually. Since my currency is lesser than a USTC also, it’s easier to over-collateralize it and peg it to a Rupee for the time being rather than trying to peg it to a dollar. That’s insane. Especially to think that it could happen immediately due to some reason.
This plan was simply to create a dex and create trading opportunities using the 23 depegged coins (22 actually). That’s pretty much it.
Anyway, I obviously know that if I provide people with an interface to take out this money, they will take it out since it’s stuck in the system currently. That’s all that I am doing. They put 5 million dollars into Terraport without even knowing it would be a ha(ck. I can’t even imagine what would happen if I honestly gave them a secure Dex to trade in.
I thank everyone for sticking with me for such a long time. I will keep the community updated on the progress of the Dex and the stablecoin. Kujira has already launched USK and I don’t wanna be left behind at least.