I bought a 100,000 luna below $1 all in has cost me £3000 but by the suggested “fix” I will get nothing back even though I have invested in luna and planned on holding long term believing in its growth instead when they reset I will have 0 tokens and will have purely donated my money to the air - this isn’t right!
opportunists? If you never owned Luna or UST prior to de-peg then this is what you are and no, you shouldn’t be a major benefactor of any reboot efforts
im gonna DCA in, no way they can’t reward people who bought the token on the exchange… if so they would have had to halt trading on all exchanges once the incident happened… not after 100s of thousands of trades have been made and each token changed hands a dozens of times already
That’s because there’s nothing to benefit them, aside from 10% of nothing. The plan Do reposted from the Terra builders proposal ONLY benefits builders and whales, as well as comes across as, “let’s fork it, and pretend this never happened”. That’s not a solution. There needs to be massive burning of ALL team tokens and future tokens. The charge for the service should also just be burning tokens. If the service is measured in dollars but charged in luna, it should be a very substantial amount burned, very quickly. Does Kwon not know what he’s doing, or just doing whatever benefits the team and whales the most and fastest? I would literally never touch the new chain again. Maybe the best course of action is to turn the keys over to the community and let us find devs?
That first halt was for governance issue but the real halt was the one after that where they mentioned they are working on a plan and minting to new Luna was stopped.
Y cuando los compraste ? En los últimos minutos a centavos de dólar jajaja, por favor a los tenedores de Luna en su último día , no tienen que recibir NADA , CERO
Do Kwon and the developers will face many lawsuits in this case. They will be committing fraud and have publicly confessed before it happens. Is incredible.
LUNA is still trading on exchanges and the plan is to scam all those people who are buying. The good thing is that they are admitting it publicly.
Basically his plan is to recover the whales wallet UST holders and Luna holders before the peg the rest we can just F off and stay poor and commit suicide all we want we won’t get jack from him