Best Solution for all Lunatics

A fair distribution of new LunaV2 to all Lunatics. We must stop saving the old chain. We need to fundamentally build a new chain. We also need to be the true Luna supporters who support the ecosystem until the end.


Snapshot before the Attack

Give all Luna Holders the new LunaV2 in ratio 1:1

Only for Example:

10. May : Wallet Amount 1000 Luna
Supply Luna Eco: 100
Airdrob Ratio 1:1

11. May : Wallet Amount 1000 Luna
Supply Luna Eco: 200
Airdrob Ratio 1: 0,5

10. May : Wallet Amount 1000 Luna
Airdrob Ratio 1:1

11. May : Wallet Amount 1000 Luna
PEG USD: 0,5
Airdrob Ratio 1:0,5

Or a other proposal

Make a IDO to offer 1 LunaV2 for 1 $


Wallet Amount * LunaPrice by the snapshot = Total Amount

Total Amount / IDO Price : Amount LunaV2 with Lockups

Wallet Amount * PEG by the snapshot = Total Amount

Total Amount / IDO Price : Amount LunaV2 with Lockups

If you hold 1000 Luna on May 10, the Price was about 72USD/Luna:
1000 * 72: 72000USD

72000/IDO : 72000 LunaV2 with Lockups

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I agree with the LUNA rescue solution as you put forward.

i think this is fair

Worst idea.
Are you going to create new version of LUNA everytime there is de-peg? lol


can you read? its a solution for a fair airdrob before and after the attack

I think like you

if it is impossible to distinguish the holders, I think it should be based on the quantity. Those with too high LUNA quantity may be speculators or attackers. On the contrary, those with low quantity should be good holders. 1~500,000 or 1~1,000,000 luna or LunaV2 above a certain number will be excluded

For example: Holders of 10,000 luna, after replacing LunaV2, get 10,000 new luna,
Those who hold more than 1 million will not get new luna in LunaV2
Or set a maximum cap for holding

When LUNA V2 comes out, the LUNA in the exchange will also be automatically replaced with LUNA V2, excluding those with a large number

UST, also according to a certain amount of replacement
Or UST doesn’t change and keeps him at $0.1
Let UST go up slowly

It’s fair to most people , and exclude speculators and attackers
Because anyone who buys LUNA under $1,
His LUNA is absolutely huge, which can exclude most people

Also, if you do not change any of the above
The only goal at present is to make UST return to 1
Or let LUNA reverse arbitrage to break the death spiral of profits
And to those who exchange LUNA for UST arbitrage, lock up their positions for a while?

What do you guys think or have a better opinion?

Also I saw someone mentioned ,

『You can easily scoop investor’s buying/selling activites from various exchanges to know at what price they bought LUNA & related coins/UST - & just only refund that amount (irrespective if they can profit or were in loss). This is not only fair, but will 100% reinstall the trust in TERRA as an organization coz no one will lose in this model - not even TFL, anyone.』

holders who bought after the attack
Just refund the amount he spent?

This also sounds ok, or let the holder
Provide transaction hash yourself? But don’t know if it’s feasible

lol its not fair at all. People bought LUNAs off the market that were ‘legitimately’ issued by the system. That is all, no need to draw lines in between dates.


I believe 90% of the population is panicking to withdraw LUNA UST, so it’s not fair.

Hi folks,

I disagree with solution. It’s unfair.

I did a €2000 purcharse at 1$ on May 12th after reading Kwon’s plan to restore the PEG. Worst, I added 500€ at 0.10$ in the same day.

With this proposal, I would have lost everything just because Kwon privilegiate UST holders to the Luna holder.

I continue to think it’s possible to save the Luna v1 but first Kwon has to stop minting infinite Lunas to give time to the market to restore the asymetric balance. Once the balance restored, the problem will resorb naturally by itself.

Have a good day.

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