Luna Airdrop Calculator

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I understand correctly that $3,012(2,817 Luna) Luna v2 0,04


“15% unlocked at genesis; 85% vested over 2 years thereafter.” He obviously knows 99% of the investors would sold this as soon as the distribution happened. He should have worked out a burn strategy for the existing chain. his ego is ridiculous


He’s going to jail. His happiness won’t be too long. We will see …


Keep dreaming


It’s meaningless to do this.
New luna is going to be worthless too.

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Agreed. The fork is just a distraction. Without UST it would have no value. As a UST victim I can’t wait until South Korea seizes his funds to pay back the investors.


Which basis will get the coin? Explain

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People who bought during 8 to 12 may ain’t getting anything bro.

We are with 6.9T supplies.

So if you bought during that time suppose 700$ for 350 luna.

You will get 0.00512 luna. If Lunas price gets to 1400000$ per luna you will breakven!

You get the math right?

Supply was relatively low around 450M to 5B.

But price was high. In return you will be getting something out of 6.9T supply!

There should be another snapshot that should be taken at before the halt.
That would be fair in my opinion
That way everyone will get something in return.

People who bought during 8 to 12 may literally getting nothing!!


revise the date snapshot

05/07/2022 342.614.982.82 Luna
05/11/2022 377.576.651.88 Luna


Looks like I’ll get peanuts buying at $15 and below after the dip started but people buying millions at $0.00001 will get a lot ?


Also dont forget only 30% are unlocked at launch. And 70% vested for 2 years…

Pre attack or post attack ppl will get nothing. And price will probably drop at launch.

Exactly… we’re screwed basically and won’t even get decent compensation.


Please do kw you have to take snapshots before the 12/05
We tried to bought the dip because we have lost so much. So I personally dcad many times.
I will end up with a small ammount.
Do you think it’s fair ? Please ser do something.
I ve always trusted your intelligence and leadership, never doubt you once . Please ser


Snapshot is needed before the last halt
Make it fair do kwon
We want justice
Everyone getting somthing we are getting nothing.
If you did not want us to buy then why you keep on posting stuff like to stay strong now you are leaving us out.
We did not buy when there’s 6.9 trillion supply.
Snapshot date should be changed


Justice need to be done to us we want justice
if you are doing unfair then don’t give anyone anything after 7th may

We bought after your reassuring tweet and believed in u and now u r tossing us out

Count us in we need to be in 35% or do snapshot before halt


Yes , everyone ahoukd get the amound related to the price it was when bought.


Any idea what Luna v2 will be at launch? If my calculations are correct LFG assets are worth about $200M and there will be 1 Billion Luna V2 tokens. That makes Luna v2 tokens worth about $0.20. Is this correct?

Hello, tell me please. I bought the LUNA after 05/07/22 and keep them on the bybit(< 1M) and binance(< 1M) exchanges (but > 1M in total). Do I understand correctly that I fall into the category of users who will get the new LUNA or not? If so, do I need to transfer them to a general account so that …

Do we have evidence for this selling out? Do we know how many other VCs sold out?

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How does date matter person who bought it for 80 on 7.05.2022 or someone who bought it for 10 or 1…it went down to0.0000012…means if some one bought 100$ worth for 80 & another one who bought 1000$ worth at 10 or 1$ …they both are rekt …only diff is a big fish boght lots of token at 80$ where as small fishes invested their live savings coz terra was down like other cryptos…so this proposal might help 5 % investors including whales whereas 70-80% normal investor will not get anything…so instead of using 7.05.2022 as base date should be 12.05.2022 when whole market collapsed from 1 dollar to 0.00000012 pennies…