There’s a current Vote under way on! The vote is for a BURN! 90% of votes in favour and 50% way to quorum!
Get your votes in! No to the fork!
There’s a current Vote under way on! The vote is for a BURN! 90% of votes in favour and 50% way to quorum!
Get your votes in! No to the fork!
How do I vote?
If your delegates do not vote YES on this proposal, then switch delegates, do not give them your voting power.
How come I can’t even connect my Trust Wallet to vote ? Is there a bug in your code or is it on purpose ?
let’s keep pushing for more votes! let’s bring stability to LUNA!
I’ve emailed [email protected] but the email bounced back and got the delivery failure message!
I really hope someone from the team can help me in some way as Im at the point of depsair. Lost my life savings down from $100k+ to $4,700. Have a debt of $45,000, and a monthly income of $290 (In Sri Lanka). Wrote an article about my situation with LUNA and ANC post-crash. If anyone can spare a few minutes to read, share, and provide some hope in any way please please reach out to me at @etchpea on Twitter, I will send you the link.
Burn the tokens
Connect with the owner on their official telegram group
Finally something valuable come up by this burning idea. I hope No company should have to burn there previous tokens to launch the new one. You can create new fork in near future anytime. But it does not mean you take advantage of current market dip. 3% burning with little reward of coins is good for the terra ecosystem.
let’s burn no FORK !
No to the fork
i have just created a terra station account (youtube) and added to chrome extension, 2 mins task. and transferred some luna tokens into the wallet from binance.
now voted as NO to the proposal to create New Luna “1623”
Please you all do the same. Vote NO.
Costs just few Luna tokens and 2 mins of your time.
Yup, I’m experiencing the same problem. Cannot connect TrustWallet to vote “Yes” for the Burn
What do you mean exactly ? Could you please explain ?
Burn luna classic
volume to 300 M
Hi, I downloaded Chrome and installed the terra wallet chrome extension. Next you just need to create a wallet, write down the mnemonic phrase, transfer your LUNAs onto that wallet, go back to the website, connect your terra wallet and vote.
Hope this helps
No fork