Where is the justice of the community?

the idea of ​​​​my message is not about the return of money, but about the competent distribution. those who bought after the opening of the markets for the second time, already just traded. why people who bought for 0.0001 even for 0.001 get the same as people who bought for $30. the entire cryptocurrency was falling and it did not seem unusual.


disagree in general! there should not have been more than ~400 million coins! is not it? Do KWON make the decision to mint coins to stop the fall of the UST? They printed 16,000 times more coins than they should! have you ever traded NFTs? it’s like you bought one expensive unique NFT, and you are sure that there is no other one like it anymore, and after that the seller makes and sells another 16 thousand of them. this is just an example. didn’t think about it? I understand this thread is not for you. you got your money back. we are not. I think we have been deceived.

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You can disagree all you want: but LUNA classic was automatically minted and burned to manage the UST PEG. It was done by a computer program, with no human intervention, and it has worked that way since UST was released. Eventually Terra decided to reconfigure things so it would stop minting LUNA, because the value of UST and LUNA classic were both too low to ever be recovered by the automation. (That was ‘the Death Spiral’ that kills almost all algorithmic stablecoins)

You can Google how it worked (TL;DR; buying UST burned LUNA classic, and selling UST minted it). But it only works when relatively small amounts of UST gets sold each day: and depends on the market believing any new minted coins have value. In our case way too much UST was put up for sale…


if do kwon would at least say something about such a distribution, because it could be done better and these are very obvious things


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You tried to trade during a massive crash while not knowing what the outcome may be.
It would be best if you understood that crypto is a high-risk investment. No one asked you to invest that money.

There is no need to discuss this further.