How to participate in airdrop

The team is working to try and get exchange support for the airdrop but it isn’t a ‘sure thing’, your best bet is withdrawing to a Terra Station wallet.


I didn’t quite understand.
Is the snapshot going to take into account my balance when I attack?
or do i have to buy ust to be able to participate in the air drop of the recovery plan?
If I buy ust today I will have more than at the time of the attack (as the ust has lost a lot in value).
How do I know what will be returned to me?
How can I still have confidence and not accept this loss and move on and forget about the luna blockchain?

If you already have UST or Luna, your balance will be accounted for on the next snapshot. You do not need to do anything.


I have UST all in okcoin in anchor. should I also transfer everything to terra station wallet?

First snapshot is already done but you can move it to terra station for the second snapshot.

Thanks so much for responding @rosanne89

From reading previous responses, it states that it won’t differentiate between old and new holders… can you elaborate a little more on how it will affect the airdrop?

Will they know my UST amounts that were purchased pre-crash??

No, they won’t. The next snapshot is the lower-weighted one as it is for everyone regardless of what price it was bought at. The first snapshot is for the higher price buyers.

@rosanne89 - I had $150,000USD pre-crash purchased… I can show the transaction dates. Is there ANYTHING I can do to prove that? Because right now it shows at ~10K but this doesn’t reflect anywhere near what I deposited. I deposited into OkCoin a month before the crash and did not have anything in a wallet yet… but it doesn’t really seem ethical to not include higher price buyers who didn’t have funds in a wallet?? Please advise?

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and how will it be known who at what price bought LUNA? I bought in the fall for $33, and someone for $0.01.

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So it was in OkCoin at the time of the first snapshot? Sorry I have a lot of conversations happening right now. But if so then it will be up to whether or not OkCoin supports the airdrop.

No differentiation as far as I know. It sucks for me too. Still waiting for clarification on that.

is the international binance app support for the airdrop ?

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@rosanne89 - I totally understand… and again thank you so much for answering all these questions.
How would I know if they have reached out to OkCoin to support the airdrop??? If that’s the case, I should leave it on the exchange instead of transferring to terra wallet…

Is it possible to keep the moon tokens in the wallet Trust Vallet?

Will I be eligible for the airdrop if my LUNA is in Trust Wallet?

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only if they are on the Terra chain (not bep20/erc20) @pivo4et

There hasn’t been any announcement of which exchanges will be participating at this stage. To be sure you qualify for the second part of the airdrop it is still better to move to a Terra Wallet.


Hi - I have tranferred pre and post luna to a Terra Station wallet. The airdrop in the form of Luna 2 - is that correct? And 15% available on drop 85% held for two years? Will my current Luna remain in LUNAC and do I need to create a separate acct for the new LUNA. Sorry for all the questions - just worried and confused. Also, will the drop happen before the launch? Any chance that you know what platforms the new LUNA launch will take place on. Thanks so much for your help. This is the only platform I have seen any real answers to our questions on! :blush:

Do you know what this means on Github ?

** Note: Wallets owned by Terraform Labs are excluded from any airdrop allocations. Wallets owned by Terraform Labs will not recieve any token allocation at genesis.**

Doesn’t that mean we should transfer our of terra station and into an exchange like Kucoin?

Wallet OWNED by TFL. AFAIK, your wallet is owned only by yourself.

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